I just saw a video of Exiles Reach with ultra graphics and it looked incredibly beautiful, almost what i pictured wow looking like when I picked it up for the first time back in 06.
From what I can see the old zones look nothing like that video. I think there’s a lot they could do with the old world and revamping the graphics to make it up it modern standards
Edit: video for reference:
I’m currently playing WoW on a MacBook air from 2015 as my desktop no longer works. Sure I’m not playing on ultra graphics, but even on low the game runs fine.
So I feel if they updated the old zones to match what that video looks like it wouldn’t really impact performance.
Given how little they’re utilised do you believe it would be worth putting time into?
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In before people talk about how Elwynn Forest’s Nintendo 64 quality scenery is “timeless” and “blizzard style”
Time and money are infinite in my head!!!
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Do you have a printer port available that I can connect to it? :o
No but the devs should add one, that’d be cool!
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Elwynn Forest is timeless and true blizzard quality.
Mostly it’s just a lot of nostalgia. There’s nothing amazing about Elwynn forest, its the most plain zone in the world. Wow, a forest with European-style taverns and towers in a fantasy game! Who could have thought of that?
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Blizzard thought of it. Best zone of all time it will be ruined if updated
This entire game needs a graphics overhaul. Yeah I know how much effort that would take and I have no confidence this team could even do it, but its needed none the less.
It doesn’t need a graphics overall, and that’s why it continues to do well.
Blizzard prioritizes artistic style and smooth gameplay. That’s why wow is still here 16 years later and a huge list of games that tried to make flashy graphics failed. Going for high res photo-realistic graphics is nearly always a mistake, especially in MMOs.
Although the requirements have gone up with shadowlands. One of WoWs strongest selling points has always been accessibility.
You can pretty much play the WoW’s “Blizzard Style” graphics on a potato
Even with Shadowlands, I knew someone that was still raiding on a super old windows tablet with the graphics turned down.
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When I look at Suramar, I would wish Darnassus and the Night Elf zones had that look.
In unreal engine i bet? I mean you didn’t link the video here, so i don’t know which video you’re referring too here.
Also, this thread is called “Old zones need graphic update” and we start off with a new zon-- ahh forget it… 
Define a potato in this instance. 
what so you can complain about lag?
I would like to see old cities like Ironforge and Quel’Thelas get updates. Usually Blizzard needs a reason to do it, they could start with cities and make them hubs in future expansions.
Nah man, just on the modern day client.
If the old zones looked like that it would be impressive.
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Then yes, i wouldn’t mind for this sort of graphic update to zones in particular. It’s very faithful to the artstyle. 
I would like to see a wow graphical revamp. Overwatch graphics would be perfect for the game imo.