It’s weird seeing all the updates with gnolls and still seeing old models that don’t match, such as the yellow boar in Westfall. Over the years Blizzard has updated various models such as elementals, golems and others. But it’s starting to create weird contrasts with mobs or models that haven’t been updated.
I agree. I think everything should be updated. Even green quest rewards and old classic gear sets. Everything. Would be awesome for transmog.
i think the issue is the environment…if you look at the setting for some of the older zones (like westfall or ashenvale), the trees and terrain are outdated…so newer models in those zones make it very apparent…
i’d like to see them start with environment detail, since I think it’s the most neglected
I agree. Honestly I hope they update everything to match the new. Otherwise it’ll just become a mess eventually, like it already kinda has.
The trees and terrain are also models that should be updated.
I mean, it takes time. They’re working on it.
You should apply for an artist position and help them along if they aren’t fast enough for you.
Lol, because without our money, the paying customers, the art team wouldn’t even exist. Us asking them to update models that are 15+ years old isn’t an unreasonable request.
They’ve been updating models every expansion now.
It takes time.
I thought they have been working on model updates?
I dislike when my mounts and pets get updated. And gear sets are updated by adding new ones. There are those of us who like the old stuff and I think we just need new stuff and keep the old stuff. That’s twice the stuff and everyone’s happy!
Blizzard would rather update models revolving around the new content. As far as I’m concerned, they haven’t been focusing on updating old terrain models and mob models. Like the gnoll update for dragon isles was an excuse to update all gnoll models. But it wouldn’t have happened had they not wanted to add cool gnolls to the new zones. You see what I’m saying? They update things for new expansion content. But if they don’t update other things as well, it’ll keep creating weird contrasts like we already have.
There are thousands of models that are low res and low poly, the time invested in upgrading these models probably doesn’t have a lot of return on investment.
I’ve seen them release new models for beasts multiple times over the years. They even updated things like WSG and AB. Pretty sure full zones like darkshore has been reworked.
You’re asking for something that takes a lot of time… Without acknowledging their previous updates.
I feel most of the older models will get updated in time, as theyve been trickling in.
At the same time, we still have odd cases of updated models being in game but not being applied. An example being the sea giants of Tanaris, and the updated models sea giants received in Legion.
It also seems like they only update old creature/monster models when its relevant to an expansion, and just applies it to all other models where applicable.
I turn 74 tomorrow. I’m one of those “Old Models.” I wish some one would “Update” me.
Update me to 28 years old. I was really hot at 28. See ya tomorrow.
I’m 74. Older than dirt and twice as dusty. Yep, older than dirt. When I was born, all I had to play with was rocks, 'cause God hadn’t invented dirt yet. It is no coincidence that today is also National Tequila Day. Me and my friend Jose Cuervo will celebrate later.
They still haven’t updated centaur in Desolace though. That being said, I despise the new centaur models. They really went and said “make their humanoid parts more horse-y”.
They really should update Jaina on Theramore though. She still has her Cata model I believe.
This would be the easiest to do. If you look closely, there’s not that many varieties of old tree models.