Update it please

Update the AuctionDB data please, it’s been over a week.


Why does my addon keep telling me No Recent AuctionDB Scan Data Found?

This message is displayed in two scenarios.

  1. You do not have your TSM Desktop Application installed, configured, and running. Ensure you have done this by checking the article: How do I set up the TSM Desktop Application? https://support.tradeskillmaster.com/tsm-desktop-application/how-do-i-set-up-the-tsm-desktop-application

  2. If you have verified the TSM Desktop Application is installed, configured, and running - it may be that your pricing data in-game is older than expected. You can run the /reload command in-game to populate newer pricing data from the App if it is available.

ref: https://support.tradeskillmaster.com/en_US/addon/why-does-my-addon-keep-telling-me-no-recent-auctiondb-scan-data-found

Cute try as always.
TSM themselves are reporting to it’s users that this is widespread on their discord.
This is a blizz issue.

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What is? Guessing at what someone is suggesting based on the information given?

Cool. It would be nice to provide a link so others could have quick access to this information, but I suppose at least giving the suggestion is better than nothing.

Is it?

It’s probably helpful to give steps to reproduce, so whoever is reading/following up is able to do so, rather than just moving on to the next thing that does.


It’s a Blizzard issue, my app is sync’d and my region data is fine, it’s Blizzards AuctionDB realm data that needs to be updated. This isn’t the first time this has happened and it usually doesn’t take this long for Blizzard to fix it.

If you google no AuctionDB realm data you’ll find that it is an issue on Blizzards end and nothing can be done to fix it as a player.

Oh okay. I mean, it may well be. Whenever I google it, it’s like a full page of search results related to TSM.

I’m curious what the repro steps are independent of TSM that one could see to see that it is a Blizzard issue, and not a third-party addon’s issue, such as the API having changed and them not updating their code, for example (I’m not saying this is the case, it may well be a Blizzard issue, I’m just asking for repeatable steps for clarification/interest).

On the TSM desktop app they state this…

Blizzard not providing US data for Cata.
Everything is up to date as of 10/11/2024 3:07PM

Outside of that I don’t know but AFAIK the realm data is handled by Blizzard, is read by TSM and is then sent to other addons/sites that use TSM for pricing.

I guess I’m curious what the API call is and whether this post is intended to have discussion with other WoW players about how to reproduce this. I’d be interested if that is the case.

I know there was another thread discussing a guild API endpoint not working for Classic or Cata Classic, but working as described in the API Documentation for Retail.


Dude, literally every single addon (given blizz’s code is CORRECT) works better than the damn game ever has. Those people actually CARE about what they produce, Blizzard wants money regardless of whether a product is good.


Bro I’m not sure what you want reproduced… The fact that TSM is saying blizzard isn’t providing Cata data?
Or… The fact that the data isn’t being provided THROUGH TSM?
Because if it’s the latter, I’d say it’s on YOU to show me that YOUR TSM is functioning fine when pulling data as far as auction pricing/realm/region…

What? I’m asking for steps to reproduce the issue.

That’s fine. I’d be happy to give clarification, if that’s something you’re interested in.

Is that a fact? Great, maybe link it in the post. That would be helpful.

I don’t use TSM, but that’s completely irrelevant to the topic here, unless there’s a TSM specific issue that is independent of Blizzard’s API (which can be tested without TSM). Whether you understand that or not, that’s the point and that’s what I am asking about.

And keep in mind, I’m asking because I’m curious… I tend to like reproducing and troubleshooting this sort of stuff. I’m not asking because I’m trying to gatekeep people from reporting or discussing legitimate issues, nor am I looking for an argument with some random on the forums.

And if you actually don’t know or understand what an API is or how an addon makes use of it, and would like some clarification, I’d be happy to link to documentation, or add an explanation or even diagrams, if that would be of any help to you.


The steps to reproduce it or rather step, is just log in. No one is getting it and if you have an addon that shows item prices on a tooltip that tooltip isn’t getting updated until Blizzard fixes it.

Blizzard is not currently providing Auction House data through their Community APIs for Cataclysm


No one is getting the realm data, it’s not a tsm specific issue if it were it wouldn’t be up to Blizzard to fix it it’d be up to TSM.

TSM is having a issue though. Every time I click to open a profession, the game freezes briefly then i get a tsm error saying to reload game.

I’ve heard some people saying that’s happening, personally I’ve yet to experience it so I wonder what causes it.

That really doesn’t say anything unfortunately. I can see why you’d say, “Blizzard’s API isn’t working” though. Who knows what’s going on.

I would think that maybe whoever is developing the TSM addon is using some of Blizzard API endpoints, such as the Auction API endpoints from this documentation:


I had a look at this endpoint: /data/wow/connected-realm/{connectedRealmId}/auctions/{auctionHouseId} for example, but it seems to be working as expected, or at least it seems to be returning data based on just hitting it with an access token, so perhaps that’s not the issue they are talking about.

Who knows what they are talking about though? And frankly, if nobody’s giving any information about it, who cares?


yeah who cares :+1:

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Apparently I do… at least enough to try to find out whether there is indeed an issue, and if it can be reproduced…



All I needed to know. You know nothing about the issue we’re having, have no skin in the game and are arguing just to argue. So, trolling isn’t okay and you can stop replying to me now, thanks.

Edit: Just because you think you’re smart enough to check back-end things to “see” if we’re telling the truth, but haven’t been in contact with TSM or any other addon Devs to understand the issue, doesn’t mean it’s OUR responsibility to inform YOU (someone who doesn’t use TSM and doesn’t care to do much more than argue to argue) about things that can’t be linked to you from a discord server’s conversations with devs. Just wild to me you want “links”… :rofl:

Lol @ your tweet to them, like they owe you an answer…


I’m asking and trying to help. An analogy one might consider is using a garden hose (TSM), and complaining that the house’s faucet (a web API) isn’t producing water.

Without using garden hoses, a plumber certainly would be able to determine whether the faucet is producing water.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck dealing with other people trying to help you.

Or any information really. This is a discussion board, so it seems like a reasonable thing to ask for. If the TSM devs have filed a bug report, that would also be something worth linking.

They owe themselves at least explaining the situation, imo. If they have privately filed a ticket with Blizzard, then perhaps that’s fine, but it’s not very helpful to anyone else in the community who may also be using a Blizzard API endpoint and/or feature that may be experiencing bugs if nobody is giving information that would help reproduce this.

Being able to point to and reproduce issues is helpful for a variety of reasons. On the one hand, it helps anybody who might use that to know that there is indeed an issue. On the other hand, it helps someone internally at a customer service or support level see what is going on, and offer some verifiable, reproduceable steps to file and prioritize an internal issue.

A developer who works on the API would also be helped by having a documented ticket with steps to reproduce an issue, even if that only saved 10-15 or so minutes at each step, it can greatly reduce the overall time it takes from being reported to being worked on.


Nope, not helping, as you do not use TSM.

Not helpful, as this is not something that can be “reproduced”.

See, you don’t seem to be able to READ.
Stop asking for steps to reproduce, as you’ve been given all the information any of us are privy to.
You aren’t helping, you can stop now.


If that’s the case, then it simply isn’t clear that there’s any issue whatsoever on Blizzard’s side.

Oh, someone said something somewhere? OK.

Anyway, I suppose I selected the wrong thread to reply to. Good luck with your issue, if there’s something that does exist and it happens to be on Blizzard’s side, I hope it gets resolved. If it’s an issue with TSM, I hope that is resolved for you also.

I’m not sure what the purpose of this thread is, but I misunderstood that it was to share information and to verify whether any issues exist, but that seems to not be the case.

Best of luck and I hope you enjoy your gaming experiences.