Update hunter animations

I know everyone will say “you got a bunch of pets!” but really our animations need love.

Maybe we can shift how we hold weapons for different attacks, sometimes crouching low, maybe leaping into the air to volley. Disengage can be a backflip. Aspect of the wild can make green leaves swirl around us instead of the icon over our head.

Beastial Wrath could just make our eyes and our pets’ eyes glow and our pets could leave trails of fire instead of just making us orange.

Just, please, anything. Our animations are all very samey.

We don’t even need to be as flashy as FFXIV’s Bard but just look at what they do with their bow-wielding class.

Or their gun class (circa Heavensward, it’s more of a Tinkerer now)


Give them a visible quiver too.


agreed. how come all their shots look the same? boring! change it up! aimed shot should be done off a knee. poison arrow (eh i forget what its called), maybe they draw the arrow from hip as if they are applying poison from a pouch at the waist. and make the shots themselves look interesting! hell, give 'em a hanzo dragon arrow! :smiley:

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I agree. They should remove most effects from arrows. You are a hunter, not some mage.

The hunter should be the most basic b*tch class, animations wise.

Please no.

The animations and glitz in the videos zoomed right past unrealistic into ridiculous.

Please stop trying to fix what isn’t broken.

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I’m a fennec fox with a hippogriff following me around and sometimes I turn into a dragon and fly places.

We should give hunters the ability to dual wield like this guy does with his bow guns.

(Yeah I know that is Xigbar/braig)

First few seconds of this video shows more fun bow animations.

I remember monster hunter, my favorite weapon was the switch-axe. I never liked the bows.

I’d like this more than animations tbh, but I wouldn’t be super salty if we got new animations first.

¿porque no los dos?

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I am random Hunter and I support this idea.

you got my like!

I’d certainly enjoy some updates. :slightly_smiling_face:

RELOAD. I thought he was so amazing. My favorite boss from that series.

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If you do, make it a glyph or something. I like them the way they are.

Some things I’d really like:

  1. Increase the range on Muzzle permanently or at least during the Aspect of the Eagle windows
  2. Make Camouflage baseline for all Hunters
  3. More PvP traps, please
  4. Make Trick Shots proc when Multi-Shot hits two or more mobs instead of 3.
  5. Make Aimed Shot castable while moving

those are mechanical changes and not what this thread is about. Mechanical changes are important but being discussed in other threads already.

As for glyphs hey I’m down. I doubt they’d be glyphs since new animations are not glyphs for the other classes but the glyph system needs more pizzazz so

Nadie nunca lo sabrá. Pero espero que los cazadores tengan animaciones no tan absurdas y que no produzcan tanto cansancio visual

I don’t think ALL of the animations need to be over the top or it would cause visual fatigue, sure. Spam/filler abilities making up most of our rotation can stand to be basic.

I like aimed shot being on the knee, flipping instead of disengage, leaping for volley etc as these are either cast timed abilities or abilities that are not used often in rotation.

Aspect of the Wild needs something though, aspect animations are really dull. Swirling green leaves around us or our feet shouldn’t bee too distracting. It can just appear when we cast like the icon does.

…Also something something tame beast visual update

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Are we creating unique animations for each spell or giving new animations for each race?

First option requires re-rigging each reaches skeleton, but would take less time. While other would require same action it would take Blizzard months to accomplish, which means money spent on something they do not find necessary to the health of the game.

Each spell. Like how mages, priests, druids, and shamans, certain specs of rogue and warrior, etc got animation overhauls around Legion.

But hunters absolutely everything is a bow shot with a colored blob or is a basic looking as possible.