Update caused guild items to disappear

Hello there.

Just wanted to add in my experience with the latest patch and oh boy, y’all have been a bit sloppy with the data transition. Bad enough we had guild master privileges mean jack when trying to withdraw gold from our personal bank guilds we created to store items. Now the latest fubar is having roughly 80-90% of items disappear overnight from the guild tabs without a transaction being recorded. And before you say a malicious player robbed the vaults, know that I play solo and have ZERO interest in playing with another person who would have access to the bank.

I wouldn’t mind so much if it was minor stuff, but the collection of rare and epic items, on top of holiday-related stuff, suddenly be gone from the vaults really aggravates my playing experience. I want this issue addressed and fixed, Blizzard. And I ask that you address all those experiencing the same issue as well. My sub runs out soon, and I’ll probably never know if it’ll ever get fixed. But for crying out loud, do better.