Update: 141 straight losses

They should put a no cd trinket in the game that allows players to teleport to their base…

Let horde get closer to their keep. It sure beats them being in the middle of the map, making it easier to take and defend objectives than being closer to defend one objective.

I’m starting to think horde need to believe this, true or not, just so they don’t have to face the fact that they are not better at pvp.


Why don’t we just switch sides and switch racials for a month and see if the % changes?

If the Horde continues to win 99% of games then we can rule out maps / racials as an “excuse” simple


The hilarity of your post can’t even be summed up. Literally less then three weeks ago horde were crying about premades. They didn’t adapt. They asked for change, you imbecile. Horde isn’t some magical unicorn capable of winning 99% of the time, if that were the case, first of all they wouldn’t of needed premades broke because they would of been beating them, right? Second of all, just look at WSG it’s nearly 50-50 wins. AV is broken, and you’re refusing to acknowledge that because you are on the winning side.


you know horde were doing the same right? also… do you know that’s not posible anymore? they fixed it… the way you speak is like that typical horde player who thinks that everything is alliance’s fault and they cant see their own untouchable faction :’)

We DID beat premades. But that’s a big hurdle to overcome even with superior strategy.

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First of all you weren’t beating premades 50-50. Sometimes? Yeah. Rarely. Wait unless you’re saying horde was crying about only having a 50% win ratio? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: (it’s a double edge blade, you lost).

Most of the time premades were “beat” is when they left the bg as a group. They were maxing HPH. I’d explain it but I can tell you won’t understand.

If it wasn’t a problem there wouldn’t of been any crying by the horde. Again I feel it’s sad you think 10-15 vs 35 is superior strategy. What can I expect from some mediocre chump.

Bonus info. Since you’re not getting it, clearly… Vanilla wow was never like this because the A vs H ratio was never this out of wack. People didn’t min max like this back then. The longer que times forced horde into a meta of not allowing ANY honor gained by the alliance. The map disparities along with the huge amount of afk/leeching/sub 60 on the alliance side all but paved the way to make this possible. Not your idiotic idea of a superior strategy. If blizzard would fix the BG (map, botters/afkers/leeches and made it lvl 60 only) then the horde would have a real bg. So enjoy your advantages. Scrub.


If they left then we won. And no it wasn’t 50%, it was closer to 30% but against the full premades we were fighting, pugs winning even 30% is incredible.

Now that it’s pug against pug, we’re seeing how you truly fare, and it’s not so good for you.

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So what you are saying is that when a team of fully coordinated players play vs a full pug and they still manage to lose 30% of the time, there is 0 problem with the map and its 100% player skills?


The term “pre-made” is a misnomer in the AV context. We were far less than a premade. The only resemblance was we used voice comms. A true premade would be a perfect comp with players of equal skill and gear using the same playbook with a tier of authority directing the flow of the game. That may have happened in the miniscule percentage of players that formed “elite” discords but the vast majority, no. Also, at best there was usually less than 20 of us using the same discord channel in any given game.

So many comments like this coming off the heels of a MASSIVE cascade of Horde tears over premades. If it isn’t Blizzard’s responsibiity to ensure you win anything now, then it wasn’t their responsibility back then when you were all ^$&$%ing about it. Yet ^$&#^ you did.


Yeah, you “winning” all those 40 v 4 games was just “incredible.” :rofl:


But im alliance though.


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Please explain that to Roawr.

You Alliance guys really need to get your stories straight before you try to blame everyone but yourselves for your failures.

No, it’s not their responsibility to ensure we win. It’s their responsibility to ensure a fair playing field, and you guys being able to put your groups together in advance when we can’t is not a fair playing field. Which is why they fixed it.

I could also point out that Blizzard changed nothing for MONTHS, until you started screwing over your own team by spam false reporting people and ditching pugs in empty BGS, OR that you guys apparently had a work around but felt the need to chest thump about it on the forums and basically CHALLENGE Blizzard to stop you, but i’m sure you’ll refuse to accept any responsibility for the actions that ultimately became your downfall.

So… the words FULL premade mean something different to you than they do to me clearly.

Oh, so you agree with a fair map then, right?

Except that’s not all you were fighting. You conveniently left that part out.

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The map IS fair, the distance from start to finish is exactly equal. Honestly i’d say i wish they’d change starting positions randomly, except you’d just complain about something else after you got stomped on our side.

My guess is WOTF. Clearly that 1 fear break every 3 minutes is why you are completely incapable of winning a BG, and it’s insane anyone expects you to even try.


So, you honestly think that a nearly 100% win rate isn’t broken? Why don’t you have the same win rate in WSG then?

Sounds good.

Save the drama for your mama.


We do, when it’s Pug versus Pug. (Edit: Correction, if you guys get a druid AND a pally on your pug side no Pug makeup on our side can stop that. Congrats on having the most OP PVP class in the game for group PVP)

And just because you always lose doesn’t mean the game is broken.

Your definition of fair is a nigh-unassailable IBGY, which is an essential objective for an Alliance win?

Our defensive choke is in the mid, yours is near the end. Different does not mean unequal.

If you didn’t have 20 people afk every game, that would make no real difference and whoever PVPs best would win, as it should be.

Which wand? Bonecreeper is probably better anyway… Just run Scholo a few times.

Honestly, I find it hard to believe that Alliance cannot win a single AV, you guys must be really bad. I quit AV a couple weeks ago, so no clue where it’s at now, but when I was playing the W/L ratio seemed fairly even, if not Alliance doing slightly better. /shrug