Upcoming World RP Event | Shadowlands Pre Patch

The group has gotten a little bit more diverse as time as gone on. Even had the Kaldorei and much more Alliance presence. To me that made it great tonight. To anyone that missed out or had to leave early, we have a way forward for next week. The Cult of the Damned in the Eastern Plaguelands is the current priority and we all agreed that it must be dealt with. We will be standing up insurgency operations that will launch out of Hearthglen through the week in addition to reconnaissance operations leading up to the event next friday that Limin will be orchestrating. If your character is interested in battle, healing, and scouting, we now need you. The time for diplomatic talks is over. Very exciting turn of events and lots of new friendly faces. See yall throughout the week! Assault the Cult!!


my lightforged decided during the meeting that he was going to head out solo and face the cult head on. I dont think he’ll survive. I’ll flip a coin and see later in the week.

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How many different expeditions or strike teams do you currently have?

EVENT: Scourgestone Strike Team

Event Friday, Today! 5pm Server Pre-RP 4:30pm Server.
Location: Hearthglen, then Eastern Plaguelands.

The goal of the Scourgestone Strike Team is to loot a powerful Scourge lieutenant’s Scourgestone. Various members of the tenuous alliance of defenders have the ability to utilise this Scourgestone to advantage against the Scourge, whether through information gathering or the ability to attack the Scourge in greater numbers. Wraithbinder Euhedra Cloudbreak, of the Ghostwalker Tribe and Blacksky Sanctum, will be leading the strike team into the Eastern Plaguelands, where recent excursions have revealed the presence of the Cult of the Damned.


Led by Wraithbinder Euhedra Cloudbreak, the Scourgestone Strike Team made their way into the Eastern Plaguelands.
Passing the Marris Stead, they dispatched some plaguehounds, perhaps once the pets of Nathanos Blightcaller.
Their trek took them north over the mountains and past the Fungal Vale. While they sensed activity of death magic within the Vale, they chose to press on to Plaguewood, as some sensed darker things brewing there.

Sneaking their way through the various undead in the Plaguewood, they arrived at the The Scourge Meatworks. Within, they found and battled three Cult of the Damned necromancers, a gnome, a dwarf, and a tauren.
Though defeated, the cultists had called for reinforcements, so the Team quickly gathered up and escaped to Hearthglen with a Scroll of Town Portal.

Wraithbinder Cloudbreak requested the Scourgestone from Korbin Payson who had recovered it in the final battle moments, it was handed over.

The Wraithbinder has handed the Scourgestone directly to Chief Hotoh Wildmane as the representative of this loose alliance of concerned citizens. What they do with it will now be up for debate…

Thank you everyone who could come along, it was a great time - how it managed to hit the 5 hour mark I do not know. I’ll be absent the meeting tonight, so I’ve given the looted item to Hotoh.

It’s my opinion with such a stone we can do a number of interesting things magically, so enjoy that discussion.

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As of now there’s no meeting tonight that we had planned. Everyone enjoy your Saturday. We will start going week to week to see if the prepatch drops to decide on an event. Ill keep this group updated.

Limin thanks for an absolutely awesome time last night.


I wish the pre-patch wasn’t coming so soon. This series set up is off to such a great start that it would be nice to sip on it a little longer to taste the more complex notes that could come of it.

I am thankful that so many want to keep this going. But yes, unfortunately most of us have probably seen the likelihood that the 29th is the prepatch. I dont see this as a bad thing. The most recent campaign led our little insurgency to acquire a Scourgestone. Now with it in our possession, I was thinking of having a meeting Saturday the 26th at 430ST to discuss what we can “do” with it. However, this is venturing into lore, magic and mechanics that Hotoh ICly doesnt quite understand so anyone knowledgeable in such topics would be great to have.

Separate from that, since we have achieved a rather important victory- and we have about 2 weeks to prepare I think it might be time to “stand down” our little group. Now that being said, when the Scoruge invasion event happens again, it sure would be cool for us all to get together and knock out some world bosses and defend Hearthglen, take a few pictures, and then say adios for the time. IF not, no worries.

This has been the biggest event by far that Ive been apart of and I hope everyone has had as much fun as I have. Hilarious banter and fun campaigns from all sorts of different RP personalities. Thank you for giving this the time of day. My clan and I have made a lot of friends we want to keep in touch with. Zealots, roach sellers, and S O U L eaters alike.


Really thankful for this event, it finally got me back into roleplay.


This whole little line of events has been a fantastic time.


Same here, haven’t really RPed at all since very minimally in WoD, and it’s been nice to get back into things.


It has been very interesting watching the personalities collide with one another. Will be interested to see how it comes ahead when prepatch is “Officially” announced and events can play out.

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Ladies and Gents…The event lives. As we near the invasion event for prepatch, anyone that remains to be interested in this is invited. We met last week at the Argent Tournament grounds at an event hosted by Axiann of the Sunreavers. Lets use this event as an opportunity for RP that we may not be able to ever experience again!!!

For the foreseeable future, we will meet on Friday’s at 5pm Server Time. This event is still cross faction so bring those elixirs. For those that want, we established a discord for planning purposes. Below is the link. Hope to see you all there.
