Hi all,
We have seen some concerns regarding the difficulty of the Zskarn encounter and wanted share some changes that are planned for after next week’s resets:
The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
- Dragonfire Traps now activate consistently based on Zskarn’s location.
- Elimination Protocol damage reduced by 20%.
- Elimination Protocol damage amplification reduced to 300% (was 500%).
- Salvage Parts duration increased to 120 seconds (was 60 seconds).
If any further changes are planned, they’ll be posted about next week. Thank you for your feedback!
It’s absolutely crazy how long it took to make an effort to reduce the RNG on this boss. I don’t do Mythic raiding, but I’ve heard nothing but complaints from people who do because of the nature of the traps activating.
That first bullet point seems like something that should’ve been identified during the design phase…
HP or DMG nerf for rashok?

Nerfing the boss before the cheese was discovered? NO
Nerfing the boss after the cheese was fixed? NO
Nerfing the boss after Hall of fame closes YES

Does this mean the two mythic RNG traps are gone entirely? Or will he activate the four closest to him instead? It doesn’t say anything that the number of traps are being removed/reduced so some clarification on how its going to work would be useful.
Any updates on Magmorax tuning?
Seems out of place for his spot in the raid.
Does this mean that Zskarn is spawning four traps near him at all times, or that the RNG traps are just completely removed and he’s just spawning two traps at a time all the time from now on?
Because him spawning 4 nearby traps still sounds bad for melee.
Regardless, glad you’re gutting this boss. Probably should’ve gutted it 3 weeks ago, but it’s something.
wheres the rashok nerf???
Clarification on whether this means the 2 rng traps are totally removed (meaning the only traps that activate are the two traps near the boss on mythic) or if it means instead of being 2 nearby + 2 rng itll just be 4 nearby + 0 rng…or even something else entirely, would be greatly appreciated
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Is this Mythic only or is this for all difficulties?
Additionally does this mean that the random traps are completely removed, or does it mean that it’s going to be the same number of traps, just all near to the boss?
What about M+ nerfs? This place is so overtuned this is unreal…
Pretty sure its Mythic. Guilds aren’t struggling to defeat this in H or N.
This fight is so boring I try to sabotage my teammates during the fight just to have some sort of fun. When he knocks back everyone, I put slowfall on some people so they fly even further at least until they take a tick of damage.
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I know for my hunters guild Zskarn caused more wipes than any boss outside of the last boss even on heroic. We clear it consistently now but the random trap placement in the middle was difficult to deal with when our dps was a lot lower.
Though I always though that unstable embers where what caused a lot of the problems for our healers, particularly when we ran out of space earlier in the tier.
Umm what? hes the easiest boss in the place.
Yes, which is a problem when he’s placed 7th.
They aren’t going to do anything. They shouldn’t. I very much like a very easy boss that far in, we dont need each boss to increase stress of the raid.
That seems pretty counter to wanting some balance in the raid boss encounters.