Upcoming patch

All healing increased by 6%.
Awakened Jadefire now causes Spinning Crane Kick to transfer 110% of damage done (was 90%).
Jadefire Teachings now increases Ancient Teachings by an additional 160% (was 140%).
Rushing Wind Kick’s damage increased by 150% and Rushing Winds now increases Renewing Mist healing by 100% for its duration (was 50%).
Yu’lon’s Whisper healing increased by 400%.
Jade Bond now increases Mastery: Gust of Mist’s healing by 20% (was 60%).
Developers’ notes: We’re excited that the Chi-Ji Mastery build exists and is powerful in the right conditions, but numerically, its output has been above where we’re comfortable. We’re decreasing the effectiveness of this build without breaking the cooldown reduction gameplay to keep the feel the same and compensating baseline to shrink the difference between this high-end output and regular play.

I’m VERY happy about these changes. This essentially helps Fistweaving where it struggled, and that was outside of Chi’Ji windows while also removing the unnecessary overheal from cleave.

It may actually make 1m Chi’Ji worth over 3m Chi’Ji on single target fights.

This tells me they know what’s going on, and I genuinely applaud them here for their approach in its current state.

I think the Yu’lon’s whisper buff is going to be an over correction.

Even with the short range, it is going to heal for an absolute metric crap ton lol.

Love all the brewmaster changes … o wait nvm :frowning:




So just attacking will heal more now?

Not sure we pick spinning crane kick still compared to jade empowerment.

I love the idea of a ranged monk but I’m not quite sure how to build and where where to use rushing wind kick.

Yummy <3 <3

6% Healing buff is yay :3

I am very excited to see this getting buffed both dps and healing wise, flippy kick is quickly becoming one of my favorite abilities :3

Right. At this point i’d take a nerf just to confirm they remember we exist.

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Any help we can get is very welcome as it is much needed right now, especially for raiding.

I like Rushing Wind Kick but I feel starved for points when I try to make builds with it.