Upcoming Item Level Increase

This change is great for me. I can now farm Titan Residuum. Albeit in small amounts per item but it is now farmable. One day, I’ll have that coveted ilevel 415 random piece.


I have no problem with wm on assault going up to 385 or above. Especially with flying come out and everyone and their mother will be able to camp the opposite faction’s ballon

@Djarro I agree with the legion part but it is different now then in legion. In legion, you had people working on the “balance of power” that required us to continue to do the older tier raids of the expansion. Artifact weapon appearances tied to some of the older tier raids (hidden appearance off raid bosses. I know I never got my druid guardian hidden appearance to ever drop off ursoc shakes fist at Ursoc)

The amulet that we have now? requires nothing but AP which you don’t need to go to old raid content to get.

Item level rewards increased, then 4 (5?) days in a row of non-item rewards. Classic.


Well, still top MMO, I like how they redid Arathi Basin and Warsong battlegrounds, there should do this for ALL battlegrounds and arenas to make it updated across the board. This makes the game feel great a new. Also they should unload more Allied races, ( Thin Kultirans playable!) and take old zones and find a way to better the graphics and/or make them relevant along with of course new great content. WoW is a great game still, they just need to draw in more players which they can. Launch all this together at one patch or expansion and not little bit at a time and people will resubscribe, guaranteed.

Item increase happened on Tuesday.
Today is Thursday.
It’s been 2 days.

My gear is not better than someone else’s gear so I do not feel validated?

It’s Saturday now, still no items.

So - yea. RNG is RNG, but awful amusing.

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