Here are the upcoming hunter changes for Dec 6.
MM about to be even more disgusting in world pvp.
XD I love it.
I am loving marksmanship! Given I only migrated from a rogue and fury warrior pre-patch, I cannot imagine how good it must have been before this with folks complaining. I know we don’t have great survivability, but with easily acquired 334lvl PVP gear, a 80K sniper shot followed by 60K aim shot and 50K kill shot, with burst shot bringing up the rear, makes world PVP such fun!
Its frustrating because MM needs a rework and instead of doing any good work on the spec they will just make the damage OP to make up for it.
I would prefer a better spec over just getting buffed so people get by on it. I am holding out blizzard does a rework in 0.1 like they did for shadowpriest in bfa.
Im glad your having fun but enhancement shamans are doing 250k instant elemental blasts atm and i have seen screencaps of 400k elemental shaman burst.
Yikes! That might explain some of the instances when I “randomly” incinerated…
Interesting on steel trap damage. Most take it for pvp, its a little harder to incorporate in in a rotation for PvE. I will run with it to see what this damage nerf is about for the reset.
Another 5% for SV. I think that may get it there. Damage is not bad, but as I gear, I do notice we are behind some classes.
The explosive shot damage buff is clutch.
Hmm, no notes about weapon inclusiveness for all shots(Shot-based attacks) for SV spec. C’mon Blizzard, it’s not hard–not even for indies–to change a few lines of code…
Steel trap is currently being taken as a dps increase in ST builds, according to hunter discord and sims. This change is probably so we don’t feel obligated to take a clunky talent because it’s the numerically optimal one.
So do we think that the Explosive Shot buff will mean that BM can replace Death Chakram with Explosive Shot instead? I hope so, hate Death Chakram.
I see. I had figured as much. I do use ST in my pvp and Tyrannical build, but since I been learning M0 and doing dungeons, I have not tried it out. Sad that they are nerfing it, but the buff to explosive shot is nice.
It’s just terrible