Upcoming Class Tuning -- 8/13

Could this not be seen as a buff, also??? The time frame to which you actually have to burst a mage is being reduced. You’ll have less time to “force” a cauterize proc or an ice block.

Am I wrong about this?

Why isn’t temp’s cooldown changed to be 1.5 min instead of 45 seconds lol.

Do you have a link?

no, he doesnt.

Destro Buffs … ?

I don’t understand


lies and slander!

I’m not sure what’s the optimal duration for temp shield. Obviously, it’s useless if it’s a 1-second duration or a 60-second duration.

Maybe they think 6 seconds is the most ideal/OP duration for protecting you when your healer is stuck in a CC?

Welcome everyone to the DH world of having your Tier 3 azerite traits nerfed to 20%, enjoy your stay here.

I know that chaos bolt is OP, but I just want to use it for this example because it is so OP.

Imagine hitting a mage with 2 choas bolts, before at 6 second duration, you could “pop” a mage, now at 4 second duration, one choas bolt will land, the shield will take your back to high HP, then the second chaos bolt will land.

To me, it just seems like a horrible change on its own. Sure it will help a bit with sustain damage, but in certain situations this change could be a good thing.

A 1.5 cooldown, along with a nerf to spell steal, seems way more appropriate. Shimmer too, but we know that’s not happening.

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Yeah, I guess it depends on the situation. It might be a buff or a nerf depending on what comps they’re facing.

I agree, it is a buff against burst dmg comps

DKs may have been buffed overall tbh. 5% damage is quite significant

The 5% is actually pretty big, most games end in the plague doing 50% of the DKs damage and this will only help keep their range damage strong while being kited.

The Abomb nerf is pretty substantial, but most teams will CC/Kite the abomb for the duration, unless it’s another mongolio team. The warrior buffs will also help in TSG comps, offsetting any necro/abomb nerfs.

The main issue is, Locks, DKs, and even overly geared PvE warriors didn’t need buffs at all in PvP. Rogues, Mages, Warlocks, Monks, DKs, Druids, and Paladins needed slight nerfs while Enhance, Feral, Aff, Demo, and Hunters needed slight buffs.

Ele and Ret need damage adjustments so their damage isn’t so bursty.

The blanket nerf to Tier 3 Azerite traits are actually the biggest issue. Some specs rely heavily on those traits to make up for their lacking defense, such as Warriors and Paladins.

It’s just poor design, and poor job performance on the developers. None of these changes (aside from the Necrotic Strike one) were needed for PvP and they should have done a more thought-out job of balancing.


It could be worse. You could queue Cata private servers when Windshear was a 6 second cool down.

Easy answer: https: // www .warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/23

So, well where are the WW buffs?

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Any priest mains here? (I stopped this guy in Legion :slight_smile: )

How does this impact priest survivability? How reliant are Discs on Azerite Traits?

5% is only about 1/3rd of what the spec needs to be good in pve to be honest. PVP changes make sense though, it’s a straight up aura buff.

I’m referrring to PvP friend. Mm do not exist in arena


DKs gave me the most issue so I will gladly take their 5% increased damage if necro is nerfed and my healing buffed. Late into the game I simply couldn’t move health bars anymore against them.

Obviously the 5% damage increases are to increase PvE stuff, considering it’s posted in main class changes and not listed in the PvP section of the notes. Everyone should know this, they want to balance m+ and eternal palace representation. I’m not surprised in the least by that.

It would be nice for them to remove all of those 5% buffs in PvP except for Frost DK which is still garbage tier for arenas. The rsham changes seem right on the money, and tbh Disc should actually do better in a meta where some passive tankiness is being taken away from third tier Azerite. It puts more value into their added damage for the team with dots/smite/penance and DA for big goes.

Crossing my fingers for some MM improvements for PvP and an actual nerf to fire Mage, hpal/rdruid cooldowns and burst healing :man_shrugging: