Upcoming Change for the Echoing Tyrstone Trinket

We wanted to give everyone a heads up regarding an upcoming change to the Echoing Tyrstone, the healing trinket from the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon. The heal currently restores all nearby allies for a flat amount, but with this change will be split among the targets within its radius and deals increased healing based on how many targets received it. And with the heal now being split among those targets, we’ve also increased the amount of healing that can be recorded by 70%.

We are making this change as we’ve seen this trinket performing strongly in raids to the point of competing with major class cooldowns, but its performance overall is varied based largely on how many people are with the healer. We’re hoping that this change to its functionality will help stabilize its performance in both dungeons and raids so that it doesn’t under, or over perform as much as it currently does.


Can we get any info about time rifts next steps? Event is awesome but there’s so many latency issues and some bugs.


There it is, was wondering how long it would take.

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fr, the lag in time rift is insane

It’s probably 5-10 times stronger (in raid) than the Resto Shaman major cooldown Ancestral Guidance. Good change.

Seems like it will still be best in slot for all healers, but not absurdly so.

Finally, that trink handled mythic raid mechanics like if they were a joke, deserved

This change coming Tuesday?