Sarcasm - the use of irony to mock or convey contempt
Relax my guy. We on the same team… I think
Sarcasm - the use of irony to mock or convey contempt
Relax my guy. We on the same team… I think
I’m not your guy, in any sense of the word (including colloquial). You do not do sarcasm very well and I saw your edits after I responded to you. Nonetheless, you’re not conveying your intent very well.
Whether I took your comments in the fashion you intended, humorous, or literally and seriously, I could not support either position as it wasn’t articulated well or thought through.
No, even in a sarcastic sense, it would still have to be funny. Satire doesn’t work here either. A joke: A humorous fluctuation of words designed to induce laughter. It failed there as well. Perhaps we should stick to the topic at hand instead of trying humor.
Lord Jesus… Okay Chief, well you have fun here. I am going to go create a rogue or something sarcastic like that.
I actually thought this recently. They took a massively popular spec that had moments to shine in BfA and nerfed it to the ground, while buffing one of, if not the least played spec (I can’t remember if it was officially the least played, right now it certainly isn’t). Throw in some vague similarities like pets and no cast times and suddenly there’s interest in survival. For those who don’t want melee, there’s always marksman! (which is quite annoying to swap to due to different stat prio, legendary, and meta covenant/soulbind. I’m in the fray atm)
I love BM, I’ve quite literally been BM since I was a child. But needing a 2 min CD to even function isn’t working for me anymore, especially if I want to push past sub-15 keys and normal raiding.
This… even if WS was a 1 minute cd, with the same functionality as it has now although this would be fantastic , this still wouldnt put us anywhere near close to the top of all the meta aoe burst specs in the game.
Youre a barrel of laughs at parties arent you?
Hey devs if you really want to balance BM and make it competitive all you have to do is let beast cleave crit. That would solve the aoe problem. For ST let Cobra shot apply a dot, like serpent sting, You’d think an ability called COBRA shot would apply a poison or how about Bite and Claw apply a bleed. Big brains over at Blizz.
I mean there are so many ways you could buff BM with very small changes and ones that would actually fit in with the class style. The 3% flat buff is about the laziest thing you could do and was more of an insult then anything. Bottom dps gets 3%. Higher ranked dps gets 5%. Why not just delete the spec since you dont really want it around anyway.
Beast Cleave does crit in it’s own way. Beast Cleave hits for 90% of the damage done, so if a hit crits, that higher damage is done at 90% to up to 8 other targets.
If they really want to balance BM, they need to go through all of the ridiculous oversights regarding pets and fix them. Just by doing that, they would increase our damage by probably 5%, which would put us smack in the middle of the pack.
I know about that weird crit non crit in our BC, but since it isnt a real crit it doesn’t benetift from Rystalker right? that would be 35% more dmg during BW.
It does still benefit from RPF. As he mentioned, Beast Cleave deals 90% of the damage dealt to the primary target, to nearby targets as well.
So if you land a crit on the primary target(that is affected by RPF), Beast Cleave will then go on to deal 90% of the damage of that crit, to nearby targets as well.
thanks for the clarification, but we can still admit it hits like a wet noodle.
Agreed. x2
The state of BM hunter all expansion combined with Blizz’s inability to detect or resolve a simple cursor bug for over a month now make me question why I keep giving them my money.
thanks for nothing. BM will still be in the trash
Sadly BM is still trash
Already unsubbed.
I see alllll these other classes begging for tier, while I have mine and it’s trash. Nothing to look forward to.
We got coal for Christmas.
Survivability over DPS? Certainly worth considering. Being a fanatical ‘DPS over all’ or pure DPS Hunter is worse than punching a hole in your foot, it’s delayed suicide, you’re dead, looking for the right spot to fall down. Better to use ‘rather not’ and ‘likely not’, instead of ‘cannot’ and ‘would not’.
3% is an unbuffed bottle of shadowcore oil… 3% more DPS is practically meaningless, unnoticeable, 3% more Health would probably get me farther.
I regularly take survivability over DPS . I make that choice every time I keep my pet out, as MM. I forgo the 10% Lone Wolf damage buff. In return, I have a priceless buff for staying alive.
And really, if your work is handing out raises to the entire work-force, and you know for a fact that the raises were 10% to 30% for everyone EXCEPT your department of your division, yours was 3%, AND the next department over, same division, very similar to your Dep. but with a fresher face and incidentally using some of your tools, they got 30% to your 3%…what would you think and do, R/L?
Edit: It is an insult, to ALL Hunters.
Survivability over DPS? Certainly worth considering. Being a fanatical ‘DPS over all’ or pure DPS Hunter is worse than punching a hole in your foot, it’s delayed suicide, you’re dead, looking for the right spot to fall down.
Considering the entire statement of the person I quoted was, by his own words, sarcasm, it seems your response to my response is wasted. It is moot.
at this point I think Blizz is just trolling BM hunters
we’re 35% behind the top spec Destro but I guess 4% should make up the difference.
Where do you get those numbers from?