The simple truth is that the statement made no sense in any other context than glyphs, and if Viz had taken two seconds to think about what it was he was posting about, he would have realized that. But he didn’t want to take two seconds because all he wants to do is disagree with anything related to Ret.
As a healer and tank, not dps. I mean I know classic andys are not smart but this should not be that hard to understand.
You’re obviously delusional and you don’t or haven’t ever played a Ret yourself in this expansion. You also state that you don’t even bring one into your raids? How tf can you seriously sit there and judge people that you have no knowledge of? You’re an idiot dude. Sit down somewhere and be quiet.
If the reason you choose to stop playing this game is because ret paladins were given a slight DPS increase you are playing the wrong game.
No you did not you proved a separate point about hps generated. That’s not my point. You also only showed pve and not even representation at that.
Shame on you for acting like you did any real research. Shame.
Someone’s gotta be at the bottom. Seeing as paladin is top raid utility top tank and top healer. Why can’t they be bottom dps??
I think we still will be. The problem was the large gap.
You are the very reason why they buffed them, lol. Good job proving the reason for why it had to happen.
Makes me think about being at a home hockey game when the rival team has a player come out of the penalty box.
This may very well have some truth in it. If people didn’t have such a pathological hate for our spec…
Why Major?
If you’re looking to buff them, there are plenty of Minor glyphs they’d happily give up.
so much for no changes/some changes. Now were adding spells and glyphs to the game to completely change the way classes function lmfao. If youre fundamentally altering the entire game like this, then just give us RDF ffs. This is a joke
that didn’t register with me. i thought it was thought it was an actual glyph.
you are not wrong, i thought there was a glyph that was labeled as wings. my bad. i don’t know every glyph forgive me internet for i have sinned i know not everything.
It happens. Don’t sweat it.
To clarify, Retribution paladins have a few choices for DPS glyphs:
Glyph of Judgement = 10% damage on any Judgements. BIS. You’ll never replace this.
Glyph of Seal of Vengeance = 10 expertise. Very good in single target and early in the expansion. But with higher itemization levels, it loses value, since not only is it easier to get higher amounts of expertise, but later paladin tier sets incorporate more expertise. In addition to this, there’s the new glyph to consider, which is a spell, not a melee strike.
Glyph of Avenging Wrath = Hammer of Wrath cooldown decreased to 3 seconds when you pop wings. An ‘Execute Phase’ glyph, and projected to beat out Consecration when you get enough T8 I believe.
Glyph of Exorcism = 20% damage. Problem is, Exorcism is on a 15 second cooldown, so the damage increase isn’t as big as you would think.
Glyph of Consecration = Adds 2 seconds to Consecration. This saves mana, and pushes the spell out of our rotation so we can hit other, more important buttons. Was BIS in Naxx, but not this phase.
With all of this in mind, I think the new Glyph will kill Vengeance if you have enough expertise. If not, one would drop the Avenging Wrath glyph for it.
Cause it’s WAY to powerful to be a minor glyph.
It doesn’t actually matter that much, our major glyphs are picked on the basis of “the other ones are worse”.
On one hand, I am celebrating these changes. Ret paladins deserved them. On the other hand, ignoring the state of Warriors is both a disappointment and a contradiction to some of the very reasons stated. Some of us still play the class we love despite their performance being memed on constantly. The precedent was set the moment that Unholy DKs were adjusted with the gargoyle nerf that some minor adjustments for the health of class representation were needed. I made the argument from the get-go as soon as the Unholy DK changes were announced that if you’re going to adjust the top, you have to adjust the bottom too, but while the top was Unholy, the bottom was both Ret and Fury/Arms (while Paladins and Death Knights are the preferred tanks too.)
As it stands, Warriors don’t have a single meta-relevant PvE spec. Warrior is the only class in the game now where this is the case. This position is brought on by the choice to run WOTLK Classic on 3.3.5 talents/balancing, which in of itself could be fine, but is it fair to ignore the consequences of that choice when the precedent has been set that you’re willing to make adjustments, even going back on your word to do so?
Using Warcraftlogs statistics, Warrior’s strongest performing spec, Fury, is considerably under middle of the pack presently in Ulduar, as was the case in Phase 1 with little change into Phase 2 so far.
I’d like to address some statements that have been made on the topic.
Largely as we’d expect based on what? Original Wrath of the Lich King? If the original is what we’re basing it off of, then 3.3.5 talents/balancing pushing us below middle of the pack with the Armor Penetration nerfs and Titan’s Grip 10% damage penalty is not what I would expect nor desire.
Below middle of the pack is “very viable” in your eyes? I can’t say I agree.
While I can’t quote this, I’d also like to comment on something stated when changes to Retribution were initally rejected. Roughly paraphrasing, it was stated that you had no desire to change Retribution because the class was well represented as a whole because of Prot and Holy’s meta relevance. Which brings me back to the issue that warriors have zero meta-relevant specs, until it arguably doesn’t matter anymore.
With the Ulduar item level increase (particularly hard mode gear), we are already able to get a glimpse into where class performance will end up TOGC using sims. As it stands, Warriors may move somewhere into middle of the pack, and only finally reach a desired position in ICC gear. Point being, we will finally reach the status that Warlocks, Death Knights, Rogues, and Mages held for the entire game, in the final phase, when WOTLK Classic is nearing it’s end. I implore you to consider, is it really unreasonable for us to ask for a little bit of help so we can at least make it up into middle of the pack so we don’t have to spend most of this expansion being undesired in every role?
To conclude, I ask you to consider just helping warriors out a little bit. A good start would be removing the Titan’s Grip penalty for now, and if necessary, reimplement it when ICC releases to accomodate for Warrior scaling. But at the end of the day, just anything to make us feel wanted by our peers would be wonderful.
Lol you guys think wrath is your expansion to make changes to. You’re acting like this is the first time Wrath has been released and you’re just making changes like it’s no big deal.
It was fun while #nochanges lasted. Bye
HoR will be the best Ret glyph in every fight by at least 600 DPS in 25 man.
And it scales really well.
Ya but every spec u mention has better options for pve. Try had healing or tanking. Bm hunters can go mm or surv.