Unwritten Rules

Like the title says, are there unwritten rules for World PvP/War Mode? Are some interactions considered taboo?

yes. if you go afk on war mode in the world expect yourself to be dead when you get back. lol


If a war chest spawns in call it out in chat and head to it, help bring back more Wpvp


The only sensible way to play in Warmode is without rules. Nothing is unfair anymore

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Nope, no rules at all. World pvp is the wild wild west.


I don’t have rules (and neither does war mode), but I do have a few guidelines:

If I attack someone and annihilate them I usually won’t attack them again unless they pick a fight

I try not to kill other Horde players in FFA areas unless I have a world quest

If I see a 1v1 where one person has much better gear I’ll usually jump them to even the odds

I generally only kill lower level characters once or twice unless they make pests of themselves

I usually don’t kill people while they’re fishing

That’s why on OG PvP servers we said that AFK means



If you want more WPVP, roll Horde.