Unveiling AWC & MDI in 2024!

What comes first the chicken or the egg?

Time to face reality this game is bad at esports.

You buffed fire mage just in time! It was only doing the best keys in the world before you buffed them … poor fire mages weren’t OP enough :frowning:

Lol @ all the doom and gloom. As someone that’s been playing the game for nearly 2 decades this excites me and a TON of people who have enjoyed comeptitive WoW over the years. The game isn’t built around competitive play alone and what happens in those environments typically does not drastically impact the average player’s experience.

Nerfs and buffs happen, it’s the course of every MMO and game out there. So if you don’t like this then it’s not something you’re obligated to watch and pay attention to. Play the game and don’t hate people who try to push it to the limit.


I can always use a nice nap.


Esports and WoW never should have been a thing to begin with. But the worst part is how they hold off on balance changes hecause of it.

who cares?

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My positive spin here is that there’s a lot of money people can win. Makes me wish I were better at the game.

And while I understand the feeling others have, I just remind myself that follower dungeons are coming around the corner.

People will always be turning a game or activity into a competition. For me, WoW is just my fun escape and not really interesting to watch others as I have no plans to model their exceptional skill.

It was a dream of mine 20 if not 30 years ago. To push my abilities to the highest level. I tried but like everything in life I’d find 1,000 players better than I was and struggle to be 1% faster or smarter. And too much of what I did was lost in a time before streaming and achievements.

Alas, this new generation has nothing if not infinite ways to realize success and fame with tools I’d envy back then.

Good luck to them all. It’s been a long road from 25+ years with Blizz games. I look forward to War Within. GG HF DD

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

As someone thats been playing since day 1, this is some of the dumbest garbage ever for a game claiming to be an RPG lol.

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In what way specifically has AWC ‘hurt the game for many’? Miss me with your fantasy opinion, please provide actual facts and evidence that the AWC has caused players harm.

Rwf is a community created event

More eSports that nobody asked for or most don’t seem to care about. Keep it up Blizz, I’m sure if you keep trying to shove this crap on us you’ll keep driving away players that don’t care about it.

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I like listening to the AWC as background noise while pvping in game.

And Vulkova has popped all interrupts, stuns, and cc’s and it’s all on cooldown this looks like it is it. Hp dropping, other teammate is perma cc’d, all hope is lost, but NO a cc is up can she get it off in time? Trying so hard to stay alive and at 10% hp this looks like it is it.

OH MY GOD VULKOVA did it somehow. Her other teammate is freed as well could this be the comeback of the century? They’re cc’d! They are all cc’d and have no way out what is going on. 50%, 40%, 30%, They’re trying desperately to break free but Vulkova is having non of that and 10%, holy cow what is happening… DEAD! They won! Omg Vulkova and CheeseSlice has won the 2024 AWC championship!

Sorry I haven’t had my daily hershey kisses.

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