<Unvanquished> AOTC guild LF DPS for Raids (Wed/Fri 8-11PM PST) for TWW

■Who are we?

We are a mix of veteran raiders from Proudmoore, Alleria, and Kilrogg servers. Our primary focus in TWW is pushing to get AOTC and Mythic+ for Vault. Unvanquished is a fun, semi-casual raiding guild, however, we are serious about reaching our goals. Proudmoore is a PST server and the majority of raiders come online from 8 pm til 11 pm almost every day. We are alt-friendly. If you are looking for a guild that runs M+ weekly, we are the guild for you. You’re always welcome to reach out to us in-game or on Discord.

■DragonFlight Progression:
ADTC- 9/9H | 9/9N
ATSC- 9/9H | 3/9N
VOTC- 8/8H | 8/8N

■Dragonflight Raid Nights:
Weds & Friday: 8 pm-11 pm (PST/Server)
Leader: Kumandjump
Lieutenants: Tigerlily, Aetheriùs

■TWW Raid Recruitment:
No Priority class is needed at this time, but welcome to apply.

■Voice Communication:

Raid Leader: Kumandgo
Raid Lieutenants: Tigerlily
Recruit Officer: Aetheriùs (BNET: Cronus#1359 / DISC: Aetherius#4508)

You can also /who Unvanquished to see who is online and they should be able to point you toward the proper person.

Bump for the TWW release this week