Unusually high ping playing from Japan on OCE servers (classic, Arugal)

Dear Blizzard,

A few of my guildies and myself are playing from Japan on Arugal (OCE), and until now, everything was fine with around 120ms ping average. But since a few days we’re getting 331ms average. What’s concerning is that it’s not spikes or due to congested network on prime time.

I digged a bit, looking in task manager which IP wow.exe was talking to and tracert it:

According to IP database:

  • is a router from NTT
  • and are in your infrastructure.

Sadly, I cannot confirm where they are located. The informations found online on IP locations are contradictory…

There is a 300+ ms gap between NTT and your network. Would you please have your IT team investigate further this matter and keep us posted?

  Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  <censored irrelevant hops>
  8    13 ms    12 ms    12 ms  ae-2.r25.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  9    13 ms    13 ms    11 ms  ae-5.r31.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  10    13 ms    15 ms    13 ms  ae-3.r01.tokyjp08.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  11    13 ms    13 ms    16 ms  ae-2.a00.tokyjp03.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net []
  12    12 ms    12 ms    12 ms
  13   373 ms   401 ms   323 ms
  14   322 ms   322 ms   321 ms  xe-0-0-1-1-br01-eqsv5.as57976.net []
  15   323 ms   322 ms   321 ms  et-0-0-29-br01-eqsv5.as57976.net []
  16   331 ms   331 ms   331 ms  xe-0-0-0-0-br01-eqse2.as57976.net []
  17   322 ms   322 ms   325 ms  xe-0-0-8-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net []
  18   321 ms   321 ms   321 ms  et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net []
  19   332 ms   333 ms   332 ms
  20   322 ms   323 ms   323 ms
  21     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Can’t post my own ping results right now, but I’m also having a sudden increase in latency past 2-3 days. Seems to be for WoW only. Normally my ping was 150 but has been 350+ this week.


Same issue here. Went from constant and steady 140ish ping to 350ish. It has been this way for about 4 days.

Which ISP are you using?


I’ve also posted here. This may be related to the recent DDOS attacks, however I find it odd considering that many of my friends playing from Japan having a similar issue regardless of their ISP. Perhaps a gateway issue between JP - AUS? Anyway I reported in this thread above as well, I suggest others to do the same!

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I’m experiencing an increased ping to US servers as well. Playing from Japan. I came to the forums to see if this was happening to anyone else. Happy to see my fellow Japanese WoW players here!

Since the DDoS attacks or just a few days before, I went from a very consistent 121ms to mid-140s. Surprisingly, it is very noticeable.

Any ideas? I’m using fiber and my ISP is Interlink (great choice here in Yamaguchi).

I hope Blizz can help…

Hey, just wanted to update that our ping got back to normal :slight_smile: