Unsubbed until destro gets substantial buffs

Disc priests have entered the chat… and ran out of mana while doing so

Your problem is with your spec. That’s why I suggested switching. Try demo.

Achives are account wide, you must be new lmao,

Are you sure about that, since people play melee in both M+ and raids its relevant lol


I said

Which is not specifying KsM.

You then said.

So pretty easy to see you brought it up first not me.

Which is surprising you “can’t see it”

Yea because people do play melee in M+ lmao… im done talking to you… you have no KSM just raids, now your just trolling

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I have KSM. You’re just blind.

Pretty weak you can only try to discredit me

KSM KSM my uncle from Kazakhstan is a rank 1 destro warlock and he has no arms or legs and blows through tubes and hes better than you

survival doesn’t exist anymore since legion made hunter a 2 spec class

I’ve never understood the point to these threads.

Why would they change the game, to suit people who aren’t playing?

How does that even make sense in peoples heads?

Yes they will change the game if I whine rightly.

To bring back past players and to attract new players. Blizzard has no incentive to change the game for players that will keep giving them money no matter how awful the game gets.

i can assure you, the tuning changes which are happening, aren’t aimed at the people who don’t play.

Oh noes, a warlock spec is underperforming for once in a gazillion expansions.

Warlock has historically thrived in so many expansions compared to other classes and have had multiple specs be good simultaneously that I don’t feel bad. Let other classes have the limelight for once.

  • Chasing adds: Melee can move, so move with them. Ranged also has to do this to a lesser extent, because if things move out of range far enough while casting, the cast fails, and if they don’t move far enough back into range, it’ll just keep moving out of range to thwart further casts as well.
  • When ranged has to avoid mechanics, they don’t just have to side step, they have to stop attacking. Melee can literally keep going the whole time unless the mechanic forces them to move away from the target entirely. Just a little taste of what ranged has to do always, so I have zero sympathy for melee on this one, and I mostly play melee.
  • Switching targets: Okay I’ll give you this, but melee really can’t have everything. And at least you can throw a poisoned dagger, sparkly hammer, press charge, whatever while you do your best to gap close.

Ultimately, just play a hunter. You get all the mobility of melee and all the safe distance/target switching of ranged. The only drawback is that you have to play a hunter.

In M+. The spec was shelved for Demo in raid outside of “gimme” fights like Prototype Pantheon because even with full power broken tier, the spec is designed to do absolute horrendous damage in ST.

Even in M+, you would never have brought multiple Destro Warlocks (unlike the triple rogues you see now) because of how bad they are on ST Tyrannical bosses ESPECIALLY when specced into Inferno and other AoE only talents.

Melee has historically been easy mode in raiding outside of tanking. You are blacklisted from outright getting half the abilities and almost never have to swap targets. Raids typically only ran 5 melee tops just so you’d have enough ranged to do all the target swapping for you.

If there is an add that spawns 50 yds away and they want you to swap to it as melee that’s a role assignment problem by the RL and not a melee problem. RARELY do adds that spawn that far away ever need a hardswap from melee. Looking at things like the orbs on Ra-den as a perfect example that spawned in Narnia, but could easily be killed by like 5 RDPS while melee completely ignores the mechanic.

Destro was literally the best spec in the entire game on Vigilant Guardian, Dasausage, Prototype Pantheon, Lihuvim, Anduin by a very large margin, Lords of Dread, and Rygelon by an even more ridiculous margin. You could say it’s good on the easier bosses, sure, but you’re lying if you think Anduin and Rygelon were easy. Hell, the only non-Destro Warlock on the top 100 worldwide on that fight is a Fury Warrior getting a comical 37 externals.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about if you think Destro wasn’t bonkers in raid.

And none of them will admit it. Ahead of thr launch LiquidMax did a group-teir ranking and the DH commentor said they were A tier.

Not only did it get reversed, they make a whol new tier above S for them.

Destro got good when the 4 set kicked in and it still wasn’t that amazing in single target when cooldowns were over though. Destro had amazing AoE for a time and that got nerfed quickly.

Weird logic though, a class spec did well for a short time at the end of SL so it deserves to be uncompetitive? Sounds kinda dumb to me.