Unsubbed - BBL@SOM

He used to post under another account and got made fun of so often he switched to his SOM main. Constantly being a hypocrite is just in his nature.

Seriously? Haha oh man that’s priceless. BOOM ROASTED. :fire:

Eyr :expressionless:

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I was skeptical at first, true :expressionless:

Bandwagon :expressionless:

Still dying laughing you never played classic and tell people to go back to retail. Meanwhile I’ve not played retail since WOD and only classic. :expressionless:

Did you learn nothing from this experience?

Like putting things back in that belong there. Unarmored mounts please Blizz!

Imagine being able to start a couple new servers by flipping a few switches but refusing to do so. We aren’t asking for much: one pve server and one pvp server. Pick two server names and we could be going this afternoon!

Happy customer base = active accounts = money.

Actually, this afternoon may be asking too much. June 1 would be a prime day to drop a surprise on the player base!

What is everyone prediction for the new servers on Thursday?

There is no way in hell they will be releasing anything new June 2 - June 6. Probably not for the first 3 weeks in June at least. We’ll see HC PTR in July and HC release late Aug, early Sept and NOT SoM2 in Oct/Nov.

Clones will be back in the 4th quarter or 1st quarter next year. Activision needs that money.

The way I read this is HC will be here in 8-12 weeks at the minimum. Which puts us around mid-late august for HC, and SOM2 or Fresh …December/January.

Does anyone know what this PvP honour system update will entail? Will it make ranking competitively viable for someone with a job & life?

Thats the assumption but we dont know