Unsubbed - BBL@SOM

Since I won’t be posting when it happens… Here is your “I told you so” when HC is a ghost town.

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stay on ur era servers. som2/classic plus are meant to have changes. stop gate keeping ppl loser

Brazilian booty lift @ Season of Mastery?

that wasn’t 2 cents that was 0 sense tbh cause som2 has more of a chance of failing than hc, especially with the changes youre advocating for xD

HC took 10 years to get a large enough fan base to capture wow streams attention only during a content drought. HC deaths make great for 30 second clips on YouTube and that’s about it. HC is trash and time will tell for sure, and we won’t even have to wait long either haha

When HC fails and no one is playing, go ahead and curse my name aloud while shaking your first at the list of empty HC realms.


and between your ideas for SOM2 are horrible. If you want personal loot stay in retail.

som took 20 years to get a large enough fan base to capture wow devs attention, checkmate. Som makes great content for the single month that people rush to endgame instead of actually enjoying the content and then after raids are on farm it’s a gruelling process of making sure you have consumes and world buffs which is trash gameplay imo, som1 was dead long before they shut the servers down so what do you have to say about that?

Pick your poison: RMT or RMToken, or Personal Loot.

Classic was plagued with bots farming every valuable node, and rogue bot farming BRD, just to sell it to players buying in GDKP.

Personal loot kills GDKP & RMT on a fresh start.

you’re playing checkers not chess. go sit down before you hurt yourself.

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if there’s one thing that defines retail, it’s personal loot
go back from whence ye came :expressionless:

I’m not trying to defend OP here, but, in any content that is relevant for retail, personal loot is removed. Like it exists for world quests and the like, but raiding doesn’t see it. It’s kind of hard to say that Dragonflight is defined by a loot system that isn’t used in the higher scenes of the game.

you can always try retail - the actual game.

i dont know anything about dragonflight, but if it got rid of personal loot in raids it’s because it’s so horrible.

GDKP is BIS. Get used to RMT or RMTokens.

It’s funny that these days everybody wants to fight RMT without actually fighting RMT.

WoW token is RMT, so that was redundant in your statement. And crap like personal loot doesn’t belong to classic for many reasons whether it slightly helps with RMT or not.

You fight RMT with banning the criminals. if they find new ways to commit their crimes, then you should find new ways to catch them too. And finally you have to understand that regardless of your efforts you can never push crime rate to 0%. There are always people who cheat, and they are always people who catch them. We just need more of the latter from blizzard…


this is all u can ever say. simple minded baboon. ur toxic sludge to this community.


Imagine telling someone to play retail when you didn’t play classic and only played SOM LOL




Im not trying to say if it’s good or bad. I’m just saying that DF doesn’t use personal loot like you are trying to say it does. ML is back for raiding.

DF also brought back normal talent trees
in other words, DF is obviously “stepping back” from all things retail. :expressionless:
trying to be as close to classic as it can be

Eyr is just an extremely lonely person in real life.

You can see it play out with how they cling to the “us vs them” mentality, so desperate to be a part of a group.

The :expressionless: in nearly every post in an attempt to curate some sort of cohesive personality, but bandwagons consistently.

If I remember correctly, before HC blew up they were against it and we’re all about Era. Now they champion HC and dismiss anyone who’s not on that bandwagon.

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