Unstuck service down

Doing Horde BfA War Campaign with this character. Was at the Great Sea and now I get stuck on loading screen, leading to “World server down” error.

Now I realize I don’t have the “Open a ticket” option anymore to directly inform the problem (or I can’t find it) and when i submit the problem with another toon using the pre-sets tickets I can’t comment or edit the “ticket” (u can’t add info, nor identify the character with the problem).

Feels like reaching an answering machine without your option nor the otion to talk with someone.

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I log in, go to torghast portal from the maw and now I am also stuck in this endless loop.

i am also having the same issue

When I have an update, yes.

I’ve posted in a couple threads that they are working on this - unfortunately, I don’t have any updates yet.


Also Stuck in torghast. Loading screen doesn’t finish.

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Telling us she doesn’t know.

Thank you for the update


Also stuck in torghast portal, pop in, thrown into portal, loading screen dont move

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I was able to “wiggle” out of the portal in the milliseconds before loading screen and backed out enough to stop the “loop” hope this helps… im sure everyone that can fix it left for the day after doing this morning’s maintenance.


Of course I’m reading them, Modinn.

Just a note - this is absolutely the worst forum to pick if you choose to troll.


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+1 - same stuff.

It’s most likely something they are testing already but want to make sure it’s actually fixed before pissing everyone off again

Because that would make too much sense Angel, lol.

how is criticism trolling?

not trolling just fix it. ever been frustrated before…

this is ridiculous … ughh

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Also stucked

if you hold down arrow or move away from the portal just when it loads, it may back you out. it will get you out of the loop

same for me

I also could not report the problem,