Unstable Affliction on Big Debuffs


Does anybody know why UA doesn’t show up on my bigdebuffs during combat?

please help

fun n flirty

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The spell ID for UA changed and it’s not updated in big debuffs. I believe the new ID is 342938. If you open up your big debuffs folder inside of addons and open the Retail file, control+f for the unstable affliction references and add the new ID at the bottom of those lists. For me, I wanted to always see UA and basically treat it as a CC and show larger. I removed all the outdated UA IDs from the retail file and added the new UA ID as a new debuff:

[342938] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL },

You should be able to add that to the file somewhere by the other spell definitions and customize the size in game after reloading by looking for UA in the crowd control section.


thank you very much i will try this later and report back if it works

in case anyone is wondering, the fix worked thanks @tacobella

Ty for this. I’m saving this for later.