Unseen Guests still not checked off in story chapters

I just finished the ardenweald Korthia chapter and I noticed the others ones I completed have the green check mark except The Unseen Guests.

Kinda hoping this is just a visual bug and everything is still reading my progress as “okay yes they did this”

I am having the same problem. Lady Vashj did not give me the quest for this part of the chain. I have a ticket opened, but got an automated response.

Getting this message as well but I think it’s just a visual bug since I was about to do The Power of Night campaign right after turning in The Unseen Guests

I am having the same problem, i’m missing 1 renow :frowning:

Completed The Unseen Guests and I’m at renown 54, not getting credit for completing. I should be showing 7 chapters completed.

Same here, I dont have it checked even though I did it.

I had useful info about this bug and posted it on another thread about this bug, but since Blizzard said my post was too similar to something I just posted, any interested devs can go read it there. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-unseen-guests-no-credit-for-completion/1049610/50