Unravel has no impact in pvp

Unravel is a pvp talent by far. It does 700k damage into absorb. Most absorbs are 3m+ why even have this talent named unravel if its more of a pebble toss into a pond of absorb?

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I use it in pve quite often

It feels like it didn’t scale at all going from DF to TWW. So bad in PvP.

Can say that with a lot of spells. Life Drain being one of them!


This talent shouldn’t trigger an extra button, it should increase Azure Strike’s damage against shields, perhaps this would make it a more competitive option, in addition to increasing the relevance of Azure Strike.


drain life is the uncle that used to be cool.

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If Unravel was added onto Azure Strike, that would be MASSIVE, though it’d have to have some sort of internal CD because every Azure Strike doing more damage than Disintegrate to shields would be busted.

Well, if it affected Azure Strike, they would certainly make adjustments to the talent’s damage, or even add a cooldown between each strengthened Azure Strike.

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Unravel is too weak, but it should be noted that it can be empowered by, I think it’s scintillation that empowers your next two blue or red spells? So eternity surge followed by shattering star then unravel give it a lot more punch, both in PvE and PvE.

Why would you Eternity Surge before Shattering Star? That makes no sense and amounts to a significant DPS loss.

Probably because of the tier set with scalecommande. You surge first for the free essence proc and the mas disintegrate buff, then you shattering star into another essence buff and into the disintegrate. If you flame breath before this, you got two mass disintegrate back to back into a shattering star buff. Even more if you deep breath before all that.

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Are you speaking from a PvP perspective?

Using Shattering Star BEFORE Eternity Surge mathematically makes no sense in 9/10 scenarios. Anyone who does this will be removed from my groups.

In pve, and go right ahead. Most guides tell you to do this to chain back to back mass disintegrates. You’re wasting the shattering star buff time if you go into surge after that. You want the buff up more for your mass disintegrates than your surges.

You surge first then shattering star.


You’re trolling.

Whatever you say king troll.

I’m not following how trading out a charge of iridescence blue and 20% damage on eternity surge so you can amp shattering star by 20% is the play. Star into surge still lets you do the same exact stuff

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SS > ES > MD > MD
There is no other way to do this without losing DPS.

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That person is clearly spreading misinformation deliberately.

If anyone wants low DPS, then by all means ES before SS. That’s some Noxxic level gameplay.

Yeah you never want to SS after ES

Tbh most logs show the combo as

FB - MD - SS - ES - MD

This maxes bombardments uptime and gives you all your iredecent stacks to Disen

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