Unprunning was a bad idea

Then the raid wipes. I’m not specced or geared to survive no matter if I put that shield on or not.

Are we talking about Fury tanking? Because I’m pretty sure a fury who equipped a shield would be two shot fairly quickly. If they keep dual wielding and bloodthirsting and enraged regen is up they’ll last a hell of a lot longer.


Dude have you ever even done progression raiding? I’ve been raiding since Vanilla and do you know how many boss wipes I’ve had on progression between 1-5%? I’ve said over and over it is situational but just because something is situational doesn’t mean it’s useless.

You can say BR is situational but does that make it useless? If nobody dies then yes it’s useless but are you gonna get rid of it because sometimes it’s useless?

Exactly. A Fury Warrior won’t be able to tank a raid boss for more than a few seconds and the higher the difficulty of the raid, the less time they’ll live.



I think my point has been made here, you go ahead and make all of those situations.
I’m a rational person and you don’t need to make things that almost never happen to tell me “I like it and you won’t change my mind”.

I’m happy for you if you like it I hope you get your chance to shine with those changes but leave some room for others who wanted other form/way of unpruning as well.


Again nobody said you’re main tanking a boss for 30% of its health and expecting to survive. Its about being able to survive an extra few seconds which you do and it gives healers some time to try and react and keep you alive longer.

If you don’t see the use then don’t use it and stop complaining. It’s as simple as that but for the ones that can use it correctly and potentially save a wipe because of itis useful

Cool story bro you can leave now that you’ve made your point

hey now, I might stay since your stories are cool stories here buddy…

I didnt make stories about 1% things on normal/heroic/mythic 0 dungeons :unamused:


I can’t switch any weapons in combat, whether it’s switching two handers, or trying to equip a shield or one hander. “You can’t do that while in combat”.

If we regain the ability to switch weapons, I love the unpruning of the shield block and shield slam abilities. I used to have an emergency tank macro that I didn’t use often, but did occasionally use in raiding “back in the day”. Would be great to have that utility again.

Let’s be honest here; you’re not going to need to press those buttons for the most part. I’d bet money that 99/100 those extra abilities we get back won’t be used in actual DPS/Heal/Tank rotations because the GCD cost will be a net loss. It’s there for flavor and situational utility.

I historically bound “/petattack” to Hunter’s Mark, then created a macro just for /petattack. Nothing will change but I will enjoy seeing the mark go up.

I do enjoy the fantasy of curses, but thanks for speaking for me.

“Because it’s easy, very powerful, and doesn’t require a lot of effort.”

I’m not sure that’s a selling point though. There are lots of complaints from other people about DH being a bit… brain dead and too powerful.


Yep totally made up stories that never happened. 1% wipes don’t happen ever and tanks don’t die. Also shields don’t provide armor apparently

I’m doing it right now, uses a GCD though.

Nobody said that and I love how you completely ignored this:


I don’t know why this person can’t just come clean and say “Look I like the changes ok? but I can also understand that there’s other people looking for other ways to unprune”

But no lets force my argument…

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Who the hell said that?

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No I didn’t but you can’t bloodthirst heal and enraged regen if you’re dead. If the shield prevents a one shot with the extra defensives then it’s already better

ROFL what extra defenses? That massive 2800 armor? Again, it might allow you to get two shot instead of one shot. MAYBE. For a heroic or mythic boss, it will probably do nothing.

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You don’t even know what we’re arguing about then. I never said the unpruning was perfect or that they got it all right but to dismiss the things that they did do and call them trash is dumb. There were several good things that were unpruned and there are uses for wha they unpruned which is what I’m arguing

Okay but a two shot is still better then a one shot and gives the healer a chance to react with something to try and surivive another one shot