Unprunning was a bad idea

I’m not a fan of hunter’s mark either. And I’ve been playing a hunter since Vanilla.


Maybe it’s something leftover from that then. I can’t switch weapons during combat in live or on PTR.

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My only issue with it back in vanilla is it’s mana cost was too dang high.

I’ve been playing a Hunter since vanilla and I was pissed off when they removed it.


“Dps boost” is artificial. Power is relative to everything els in the game.

It’s just one more global you’re pressing before you go ham.

Same reason they made runs of power baseline with mage CDs.

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A player’s actions should count for more than passives do. We’ve seen the effect of passive effects with Corruption; power boosts and attacks over which we have no control, that artificially boost our damage without any relevance to skill.

I want more skill in the game, personally. And choice. It should require thought and consideration to play a character, not just luck and a rotation designed by someone else and weird things proccing at any given moment.

Just my feelings on the matter without going into huge detail.


I feel they should have reverted the GCD changes first to help avoid the inevitable button bloat.


I knew a healer that refused to deal any dps, even during down time (looking at you Nzoth). I was shocked, but I was also somehow shocked I was shocked.

There is no skill in pressing hunters mark before starting your rotation.

The game requires plenty of skill.

There is content out there that requires skill. Go and do it.


I think it depends on the class, and also depends on the player.

Let’s take Warriors for example. They got Intervene, and Shattering Throw Back. Those two abilities excite so many Warrior players a lot because of their niche uses, especially PvPers. That was a great job by Blizzard un-pruning those abilities and giving them back to Warrior players.

There are others of course, but since Warrior is one of the characters I play that’s an un-prune I really was looking at. I think un-pruning as a concept is a good idea, but the way Blizzard went about it was not great for certain classes.

I think DH is a popular class because its simple, like you said. But the big thing you left out is it looks freaking bada$$. If you gave another class the same toolkit but wrapped up in a different style I don’t think it would have nearly as many players playing it.

Not at all, and Curse of Exhaustion is wonderful to have back.


Yeah I don’t get why people are so against assisting with things that aren’t your main role. Like it only helps your group and all. The amount of times I’ve helped healers in M+ during bursting and quaking weeks…

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Well I finally got a double reason to pick devastator for Warrior in SL

The row of talent is pretty much a dps row and I could use the extra keybind as well.

Don’t use the abilities … no one is forcing you to use everything .

The game as it is now isn’t that much about skill anymore. Reflexes yes, and speed of hand and eye, those things are important but the game does so much for you now. It lights up things at the time to use them, outside references tell you rotations to use and so many effects are passive and outside your direct control. It’s more like the game does it for you and things only go wrong if you move the wrong way.

I do go and do it, to the best of my ability. I just like the idea of being given more choice in how to do that. People seem to be getting excited in a sad way about so-called “button bloat” but the thing is, the action bars are adaptable. You don’t have to have something there if you don’t want it. The problem in the past is that so many things were removed until the classes were a shadow of their former selves. How many times earlier on did I see the jokes about mages and their 3-button attacks or how simplistic the hunter class is to play. I think its better to have more choice and not use everything than to have little choice and be bored.


Can switch to shield mid combat im pretty sure

I thought you couldn’t switch gear in combat. I feel like I’ve tried, but even then I have to give up second wind for a once and a blue moon shot at saving the group and not being destroyed as I’m geared to do damage and not stay alive.

Man having corruption in my spell book is so flavorful!


I never said this. I only said that it’s pointless to put a shield on if the tank dies, not that you couldn’t try to take their place.

I believe it’s more beneficial to try to tank as Fury (for example) and keep both weapons so you’ll have access to all your abilities.


You take all the access to abilities you want but it won’t help when you get smashed and die. As much as you want to fight it the shield does help your survival and thats the point of giving your things like shield slam is so you can still do some damage while doing it