Unpopular Opinion: Racial Class choices should be far more limited than they are

ROFL which means nothing. Blizzard isn’t taking out the 15 foot rogues (taurens aren’t that tall btw. You’re 5 feet over their max height) and they’re not taking out nelf Warlocks.

So you think you “won” because someone upvoted you with their alt a bunch of times but I’m going to log on my tauren rogue when I get home and have fun while you seethe at my existence.

Have fun with that :rofl: :rofl:

I think perhaps you took the wrong message from what I said.

I’m very much pro race/class restrictions :woman_shrugging:

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Times don’t always change for the better.
It’s good to see when times change for the worse and reverse course.
Many IRL and in-game historical events come to mind.

Kul Tirans have drust forms.

I have to admit that this shouldn’t be a thing. But instead of writing the lore so it shouldn’t and doing it anyway, they could write the lore so it’s doable but you’re an outcast.

That is exactly what they did, since all warlocks are outcasts.

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So you don’t like evolving worlds, shame.

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We are all humans, we dont have cow or fox people
This comparison is outright wrong. Go learn whatever language you want.

Wow races are vastly different and those differences are what sets them apart. The race class bond is unique and in most cases cannot be “learned”. That one word is whats ruining class fantasy in wow.

I just love how many times Ive read:

-who cares lol
-any race can learn

And going by the responses, its clear most of you dont care for lore reasons and just want to play their dress up game. Sad.

Ah, another thread of “lore” purists who believe world building is a thing only done before release and then set in stone for eternity so that they never have to learn new stuff to call people out on trivia points.


This is not the case for the majority of classes. The only instance in which this is true is for Evokers.

What exactly is so lore breaking about these particular combos?

Any of those races could’ve died and been raised by The Lich King.

I’ll agree to disagree. I like my troll druid.

By the time of War Within it’s been almost 20 years lore wise since the factions were formed in Vanilla.

An orc adult in current year could very well have been around Forsaken mages their entire life, and learned from them for their entire education.

Culture is a big deal for some of the newer races/classes to be integrated into the factions, but for the original races/classes based purely off learned knowledge, they should just be generally open.

Making the only elves that can be Druids night elves amplifies how in tune these elves specifically are with nature.

Giving every elf druids make all elves the same and none of them different.

This is why shamans not being available to elves is great world building it makes the class fantasy rich and unorthodox to what elves believe in.

This is a lot deeper than " omg just let blood elves talk to night elves"

Blood elves as a people went through an entire evolution to differentiate them from their cousins and that’s great world building.

I haven’t seen them bending lore in a way that wasn’t logical or consistent. And having more class/race combos makes for the possibility of more unique characters.

Like I’m sure those Alliance Shaman felt so unique when 100% of them were forced to be Dwarves. Ditto for Horde Paladins being Belfs.

Most classes begin restricted made no sense anyway because it hinges on the idea that the races of Azeroth are incapable of teaching and learning.

Only a few of the classes (Demon Hunter, Evoker, to a lesser extent, Death Knights) make any sense to restrict lore-wise.

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I’m waiting for gnome/goblin druids with robotic shape shift. Tanking as a robo crab would be dope.

Orc mages shouldn’t exist for the fact that it made ogres differentfrom orcs. Ogres had no problems disrespecting and imprisoning the elements where orcs had a deep respect for them, working with them and this kinship is the core reason why orcs were able to defeat The ogre empire.

An Orc mage existing just steps on all that lore and throws it in the trash

Like i remember not making a Horde mage because i was waiting on ogres to become playable

Agree - but you’re going to have the “i want and deserve everything!” mob tell you how wrong you are. Just a different mentality of player, and unfortunately, the “i want and deserve everything” crowd has surpassed the group of people that likes the impact of choices and differences between characters/classes/races etc

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I agree with this to a degree. Tauren and draenei rogues or whatever have never sat right with me but Tauren paladin literally worship the sun. Tauren paladins COULD have made sense, if they had received a more flame/sunlight theming to their spell effects. You could have made Night Elf paladins have moonlight/sentinel style spell effects. Weird class/race combos are COOL if you take the time to make them make sense in the lore. That type of stuff BREEDS amazing world building while respecting the lore and making people feel good about their character choices. When you just open up the restrictions without making visual adjustments to spells and abilities, it’s just lazy and degrades the game imo

While I agree, I don’t really care anymore.
Blizz has retconned and otherwise trampled on the lore so much I don’t see the point of caring.


Tauren rogues have existed since Vanilla.

Satyr and succubus have hooves and sneak around fine. Draenei is ours teifling offshoot so them having rogues fits. Even more so with the Manari being playable

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