Unpopular Opinion: I loved Shadowlands

Shadowlands could have been fun.
But they just made everything annoying for no reason.

Why did world quests suddenly have multiple stages and provide basically nothing?
Why did you have to grind for months to get enough anima to buy anything?
Why did travelling between all the zones take 10 minutes of flightpaths?
Why could you only spend limited time in the maw?

Also the length of time it took to get new content was far far far too long and just hammered home all the bad things about the expansion.

It was fun content turned into a slog for no good reason.


Main story was weird. Systems were outrageous. Pathfinder a year in. No flying in maw. The in-between.


Going back and playing it today is 1000x better than when it was live.

Heck we had to deal with “eye of the jailer” in the maw for like what… seven months until we could get rid of it? Haha


Yeah I agree, SL was absolute garbage (though like I said it did have good raids, good cosmetics, and one decent questing zone). I was more speculating on “what could have been” if it actually had been good and had a good story.

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Yeah I had a friend come back to the game (after leaving after Dragon Soul) recently. And after doing some Shadowlands stuff he was like “this isn’t as bad as I expected”. And I had to tell him it’s because he wasn’t having to deal with all the systems and chores. As an old expansion, it isn’t bad to play through parts of it now, because you can do it on your terms, and do better content any time you feel like it.


Art and music teams always knock it out of the park. Not really much in the way of a good defense of SL on that front which leaves you with…well, almost nothing OP. :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I found most of the art and music of SL generic, boring, and incredibly bland. It looked like an asset flip, like they had taken random assets from other places and just plunked them down wherever. ZM was particularly notable in this regard. “Make it look just like everything else, except with cubes everywhere.”

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To each their own. Personally, I didn’t think it was all bad. ZM was probably the most uninspired…anything I’d ever seen though.

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But…but…you can walk on the water! And some stuff floats! You’ve never seen anything like this before! (Yes this is sarcasm for anyone unsure.)

The reveal trailer/interview for that I genuinely thought was a parody someone made at first. I was like, they can’t be serious. Oh wait, they’re completely serious, and that makes it even funnier.

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It also didn’t help that when they first showed off the tier sets, they were all this marble white color. Literally all of them. They had to work fast to remedy that one. lol


Is call shard of domination and you need to get all 3 of same type of shard and the armour to put them in. So you have to not only farm the shard and get lucky but also get the armour piece. Also the shard is so unbalance unholy gave some spec like 10% more damage. That’s just stupid.

People hated the MAW coz you can mount up and some elites hits very very hard and unless you are a tank spec better run as fast as you can. And if you die you lose sigals or whatever. Even if you run back to get your cropse you will lose like 20% of it?

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That’s not an example of good writing vs bad writing that’s just changing the story and putting the other guy in charge. It’s a change in the plot but what is the actual difference in writing? They all would have been saying about the same thing until the end.

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Shadowlands is the reason I haven’t played since Shadowlands.

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Well yes and no. What Ion said was that they learned they were putting too much into character and story development and not “what the people wanted”, which of course in Ion’s opinion is more advanced and complex raids.

Now did the people who focus mostly on end game content hate Shadowlands for the same reason Ion mentioned, sure. But that doesn’t mean the rest of us hated Shadowlands.

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I know what was said and I know you like to spin things to seem like they weren’t said that way (because you’re biased or contrary, I can’t tell) so I don’t know why you replied to me since we’ve had this conversation before.


Just because someone has another opinion, that doesn’t mean they are biased or contrary.
All it means is that they have a different opinion.

No but when you know what was said and you try to spin it that it wasn’t said then you’re biased or contrary.


No ones arguing this part

Not from March 2021 through February 2022.


I’ll say it again, the worst WoW expansion is still top tier MMORPG gaming. Shadowlands got the lowest score from me, but it’s still a 9/10 lol.


Worse than WoD?


i liked the 4 themed faction zones, hated everything else

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