Unpopular Opinion: I loved Shadowlands

Absolutely hated it… everything about it… The story, the setting, the races, what they did to lore characters. Garbage has a better smell than that expansion.


They were alright. Ardenweald was nice.

Maldraxxus was just bland. If not for all the lovely metal references I wouldn’t remember a damn thing about it.


I think the biggest miss with the Emerald Dream was that the special effect/green tint for the sky wasn’t the default for the zone, but rather a toy from the Dreamsurge Vendor.

Dreamsurge Remnant - Item - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)


Emerald dream in dragonflight… I think you mean ohn aran plains 2.0. May actually go down as one of the biggest zone/location disappointments I have ever experienced in wow history.


The only zones I enjoy in DF are parts of Azure Span and Zaralek Cavern. The rest are just meh at best, eye-vomit at worst.


I didnt really like the covenant abilities.

Maybe I got my expectations up too high back then but the questing was extremely boring. I think Shadowlands was the first expansion I didn’t get through the main quest into end game. I just stopped sometime mid questing because I wasn’t having any fun at all and never came back till DF was coming out, which was a first for me. DF wasnt a ton better story wise, but it wasn’t bad/boring for me, and I was able to get through it relatively quickly and then mostly ignore it outside of main gear rewards.

My only regret is that I missed out on a few really nice mog items from not raiding that expansion.


It would have been one of my favorite expansions if they did three things:

  1. Let one character play every covenant. It would have made the story way more interesting. I’m genuinely sad this wasn’t a thing.
  2. Up the currency to buy xmog and what not.
  3. Put actual rewards in the tower thing.

I could add more to this list but…those were the big things for me. I enjoyed WoD more.


Art and music propped up a setting that had promise. It was systems, story, and awful balancing decisions that really left a sour taste in our mouths.

Maw/torghast/SoD would have been fine if released simultaneously. The art assets were sweet and conveyed the theme well. The problem was we’re we’re exhausted of them because of over exposure and the asinine mechanics they put in the maw (timed, no mount, difficulty, etc).

SotFO and ZM were hampered by story. Specifically everything is a robot. I get the “proto” vibe to the zone, but they definitely took it too far. It also made no sense to include that as part of this story, the proto death zone should have been the maw - not one teeming with basic life. I get they wanted visually striking, but it made no sense to me. That should have been a zone for a life focused expansion.

The dungeons were pretty good, but some of them were outliers. My HPS in sanguine depths was significantly higher than MoTS for example.

I liked the mog collections. I loved the questing and first raid tier.

I hated conduits, legendary powers, gold sinks, story quests, and class balance though.


I had to hard stop in the Emerald Dream zone when Tyrande tried to make me her waiter. “Hey, Champ, thanks for saving my tree, the Dream, and the world… again… But be dear and fill my wine glass. Oh and table 3 needs more hors d’oeuvres, thanks.”

Yeah. No. Hell no.


People will always

  1. Say the current expansion is the worst

2.When new expansion we sand the last expansion was the best and the current expansion is the worst.

Repeat step 1 and 2.


This in particular was more annoying than I ever thought possible. I just couldn’t get over it. :upside_down_face:

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Yeah everything looked great, as is the norm with wow. The problems arose for people who were doing current content. Perfect example - the gem power system we had in the second raid tier (can’t even remember what it’s called, must have mentally blocked it) was so poor of an idea, it was nearly universally hated.

The state the Maw was in for the first patch of the expac was just not good. It was a crapshoot whether you could finish your quests in there before the eye would catch you for the day, and so that was eventually removed.

I have heard from people they hated Korthia, and there were threads all over the forums about it. I didn’t have that big a problem with Korthia myself, but yeah that was a thing.

But! I got one of my all time favorite mounts from SL, Silverwind Larion baby!

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Wrath was the best. Legion was second. DF is the worst, everything else is preference.


It was one of my favorite expansions.

As for why it is hated, most of that comes from players who only care about high level dungeons and raids and are annoyed at anything that delays them getting to that point. The covenants threw a monkey wrench into the works that delayed them from their ultimate goal.

As for Pelagos, as they explained it he is not the actual arbitrator, he is just the soul that is required to bring any of the actual “eternal ones” to life. The Eternal ones consist of a soul plus a robot that does the actual work.

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I’m speaking hypothetically here because obviously Shadowlands was terribly written. But say it had different writing. And let’s say that Zovaal was a pawn (without realizing it), and Denathrius was the real mastermind. And his goal was to just wipe out the system he was a slave to. Not to “remake” it or anything, just tear it all down. And say he’s told “well if you wipe out everything you won’t exist anymore either” and he could say something like “I don’t care”.

Something like that could potentially have been better, and interesting. They could’ve even made it seem like Zovaal was the bad guy until we find out Denathrius was pulling the strings the entire time.

Realistically, Denathrius WAS pulling the strings, whether Zovaal knew it or not. Zovaal was helpless and was only able to achieve what he did because of Denathrius.

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Speaking of Shadowlands, will the raids become “Legacy loot” when TWW launches? Trying to get the LFR and Normal “Bow” transmogs which I’ve been going after for 2 months straight so far and not a single Bow from either LFR or Normal drop. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Nah I will never jump on this bandwagon, just like I never jumped on the one for WoD.

Both xpacs were garbage. Even Blizzard admits SL wasn’t that great.

But I have to say those ruby shades look great on you guys.


SL was great, everything was perfect for me, except for last season. Couldnt stand ZM and what they did to Jailer just sucked… Game actually felt more challenging and rewarding than it does now. I have never in my life played so many alts and not knowing what to do (because of lack of content) than I did this expansion. And I got everything (except glad and CE).


It’s literally latin for Soul, or an animating force that was a predominant concept of medieval belief until the 19th century or so. The idea that a big bad adversary would turn people’s psyche into fuel isn’t really that stupid. Look at Amazon or Walmart.


Think about it, Captain Grimm ragged on Shadowlands a lot. The story must be trash right?


Now why didn’t he rag on Dragonflight? The story is good right? Or was it just boring? Was it too PC? What gives?