Unpopular Musical Opinions

What are some unpopular opinions related to music that you have?

I think the beatles are overrated. Their songs sound depressing and really dated.

I think listening to rock music kills braincells.

AC/DC is not a good band.

I think Blues music deserves some love.

What are yours?

I’d say that for their early hits, but their later songs had intricate melodic phrases that still stand the test of time, especially compared to many of the repetitive beat driven songs on the top 40 countdown nowadays.

As for my unpopular opinions:

  1. Grunge was overrated
  2. The Smashing Pumpkins are not really a good band. Honestly, what am I missing with this band?

Nickelback isn’t THAT awful

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Jazz is garbage.

I agree the Beatles are overrated. So is Nirvana. Alice ‘n Chains is a much better grunge band.

Kiss and Greenday sucks.

Artist that do the “close up on the face to show how pretty/handsome I am” should be banned from ever doing another music video.

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So, you have chosen… death.


I regret nothing.

I don’t see why Taylor Swift is such big deal. Her music isn’t bad, but in her entire career she’s done exactly one song that I liked (Anti-Hero). Everything else she’s done just sounds bland & uninteresting to me.

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Or music videos where there is just too many freaking cuts shot to shot. I can’t stand the Rammstein concert dvd that takes place in New York for that reason. Freaking Jonas Akerlund needs decaff

That is such a large genre. Are you referring to this kind of jazz:

Or this kind?

Or maybe this kind:

Or how about this :slight_smile:


You’re not going to trick me into damaging my ears. I’m on to you.


Rap is not Music, it is Repulsive Vulgarity, and displays unintended Ignorance.


More Americans that enjoy metal or hard rock should expand their musical horizons to across the Atlantic. Symphonic metal and such is thriving in Europe and the UK , so much good music .

Second opinion- most of the pop and rap/hip hop acts here in the states that put out YouTube videos with a billion views , get massive attention from the press etc. I think is hot garbage and I don’t get why so many think they are awesome.


Im not from the Classic Rock era but gotdman that music is so much better than what came after.

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4:33 is stupid as $#!+. John Cage should have been kicked out the concert hall onto his can.

I never did understand the appeal of “Black Sabbath”.

Such a comment as stated above is considered “Fighting words” to many fans of heavy metal.

Only if you’re immature and I say that because I used to be the same way.

Now someone could say my favorite band was garbage and I wouldn’t care. Their music and their sales speak for themselves.

Pop(ular) music sucks…that is about as unpopular an opinion you can have.

Independents create the best music is the other.

Metal is mostly dead in America yet Japanese metal bands are more famous in America than they are in Europe. Babymetal and Band-Maid have both done nationwide tours here and I wish Lovebites would also.

As for European metal, Amon Amarth had several massive hits on American charts last year with Arch Enemy topping the metal charts.

Phil Collins is overrated and his music is irritating to my ears. I find him to be depressing and annoying.

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