Unplayable Races That Are Already In Our Factions

1 - The Stonemaul Clan of Ogres

The Stonemaul were conquered by Rexxar in WC3, during the Founding of Durotar. They’ve been part of the Horde ever since.

2 - The Revantusk Tribe of Forest Trolls

The Revantusk Tribe was one of the smallest tribes of the Amani empire, and when Thrall established the New Horde, they were interested. However, they still remembered the old Horde and that made them too wary to join the Horde outright.

But during the Cataclysm, that stance changed, and they joined the Horde.

“We are proud to call ourselves the last tribe of Forest Trolls to serve the Horde.”
-Elder Torntusk

3 - The Taunka of Northrend

The Taunka, like everybody else in Northrend, had a bit of a Scourge problem back in Wrath of the Lich King. During the quest “Blood Oath of the Horde”, a group of Taunka join the Horde to fight back against the Scourge.

4 - The Grookin Tribe of Hozen

The Hozen of the Jade Forest joined the Horde after a Horde adventurer beat them up, then saved them from some crocs, then gave them some fish, then helped them fight their enemies, the Jinyu. Yeah, it was a weird adventure lol

5 - The Broken Tribes

The Broken are part of the Draenei people. The ugliest part. But they are there, always supporting their prettier brothers and sisters in the Alliance.

6 - The High Elves of the Silver Covenant

I know… Let’s move on…

7 - The Frostborn Dwarves of the Storm Peaks

During the campaign against the Scourge, the Explorer’s League found and befriended some Frost Dwarves in Storm Peaks, who were led by a regular Dwarf. Turns out that regular Dwarf was Muradin Bronzebeard, who lost his memories after Arthas exploded a block of ice near him to grab a fancy sword. Muradin has returned to his original people, but the Frostborn still love and respect him.

8 - The Pearlfin Tribe

The Pearfin Tribe of Jinyu were wary of strangers for thousands of years after a betrayal from the Hozen caused them to lose the Throne of Pandaria. Then they joined the Alliance because the spirits said so and also the Hozen had joined the Horde.


The Frostborn and The Taunka could more easily be made into cosmetic options for the Dwarves/Tauren respectively. The Broken and Revantusk could be made cosmetic options as well but would require a lot more work.

The others might be a little harder to incorporate without making them ally races or with some serious story advancement that might not go over well. Particularly the Silver Covenant Elves. You could do them as a new Allied race or could do it with story, having them all join the Void Elves, but then they lose what makes them different. Either way, a lot of people would get their knickers in a twist over it.

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The Argus patch in Legion saw the Broken model updated to use the draenei male skeleton (was formerly on the tauren male skeleton). They’re essentially just head/foot/tendril mods of existing male draenei. They’re ready.

They’d just have to make broken females the same way.

The Da’kani gorillas.

The male Taunka was never really finished. Wrath shipped with them looking just as bad as they did at the start of Wrath alpha.

There are no female Taunka at all.

I’m still over here waiting for my Broken Shaman dream that’ll probably never happen because the effort to make female Broken is apparently crazy hard.

That would put them more in line with the Taunka then, since they are basically the same state.

In that case I’d update my list to, Frostborn would be easiest since they are mostly just adding a couple skin colour options with the glowing blue eyes. Then would come Taunka and Broken with a few model alterations and creating female versions. And Revantusk last because they are working on a different model/skeleton that would probably need a bit of updating and just as much if not more customization work than the Broken/Taunka.