Unplayable plate classes that are squishier than cloth,

This is the first post that I am writing in my life, but it has to happen.
Warriors are close to being unplayable. Fury warrior dies by breathing oxygen and gets kited, meanwhile Arms does some back massage damage. Cannot kill a single cloth besides a bad warlock. Also Arms lost blademaster torment 2x bladestorm for a useless sweeping strikes talent that is not even picked in Mythic +, and also Warlord Torment is nerfed. STOP NERFING WARRIORS IN PVP BECAUSE THEY DO BIG DAMAGE IN MYTHIC + . MAKE THOSE CHANGES PVE ONLY. YOU ARE MAKING PVE CHANGES AFFECT PVP. ITS AWC SEASON AND YOU REALLY WANT TO SEE 3 SAME CLASSES PLAY EVERY GAME.

Retri paladin is even worse than warrior. Cannot kill a single target in arena.
You are basically a punching bag that gets your friends out of cc and gives freedom.
You idiots made concetration a passive on blade of justice so we cannot use it smartly in arena to stop drinks/break stealth, AND WE CANT EVEN SPECC OUT OF IT.
10% wall in pvp is beyond laughable, might as well remove it.
So what I want from your dev team is to share some of that cactus that they are smoking , because they are out of their minds.
Hopefully at least one person on that team actually plays a bit of PvP.
How can cloth wearers be more tanky than almost every plate class???
Mysteries of the universe I guess…


I mean , have you played spriest? It’s immobile, hard casts all its big dam. Kinda have to have something to deal with the zug zug don’t you think?

i think bad rets got used to 9 seasons of killing on accident

Rets problem right now definitely isn’t damage “they could maybe unnerf final reck though”, it just feels terrible into the S tier specs is all cuz literally all of them are unkillable. But that’s the experience of pretty much every spec that isn’t S tier to be fair.

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Spriest makes sense since it basically is designed to take big :hotdog: or die. I can at least sympathize with the melees that get kited. The game is bursting at the seams with loss of control mechanic creep and micro ccs. We have like 4 copies of ursols vortex now, as an example. You’re just constantly getting effed with. Rooted, slowed, knocked, aoe stunned. All of it AOE, half of it auto targeting. its definitely annoying AF