Unplayable Patch

I have this problem on two characters. For one of them, it was indeed a visual bug and by using an addon (legendary stock tracker, LST) to craft the rank 4s (boneshatter treads), it worked. However, on this character, LST didn’t work for crafting higher than rank 1 shadowghast rings, and that’s because the rank progress bar was present (crafting rank 1s filled up the bar), as if I hadn’t unlocked further ranks yet. Basically, when I loaded in after patch went live, shadowghast rings ranks were completely reset and I was right back at rank 1 again. Which really sucks because I missed out on hundreds of thousands of gold in profits today from not being able to craft and sell rank 4 rings.

So there are multiple issues with legendary crafting currently.

Hey all,

Things are looking much better today and the majority of the issues were cleared up last night. We’ll of course be on the lookout for any new emerging issues that might impact performance or server stability.

Going to close it up at this point.