Everything was going fine until I got to Ardenweld. 15-20sec lag between pressing a key/ability and anything happening. Had to Alt-F4 to get out of it since even Releasing after death took over 2-3 minutes. Now I can’t even log in because of the lag/character with name already exists error. Not a good experience…
Having the same issue here. I’m in the Ardenweald scenario and the game is unplayable. I can’t even attack!
EDIT: I rebooted my computer and I’m having less lag than I was before. Let’s see what happens…
torghast is the same way now
How is there still ridiculous amounts of lag when new content drops… this game has been around for 15 years or so. Have you not learned a thing of 2 about dealing with this Blizz?
Best off giving up on the game for a few days until they “fix” the servers I suppose.
unplayable, the lag is terrible
Rebooting my computer seems to have significantly reduced the lag, but there is still some.
EDIT: nvm, it’s back
Don’t worry though - Blizz hasn’t said a damn word and it going full radio silence. I guess we all just have to “deal” with it. This is why no one has respect for the devs/company anymore.
Same here on dalaran. How blizz…how after 15 years?? If i worked at something for 15 years and failed every time with stuff like this, pretty sure I would be fired…
Waited 7 months for this lul.
Too cowardly to make a statement that they have no idea what they are doing to maintain server stability after countless content drops and expacs.
I’d imagine they are scrambling to try and get it fixed - but this is what happens when you bow to the masses and rush a patch. Tho I hope it won’t be as bad as it was back in the LK days and any patch meant that the game was messed up for days, not just hours (fingers crossed!).
Ya’ll are expecting way too much from this indie company.
Pretty sure it has nothing to do with the “content” of the patch but has something to do with shoving hundreds of players into an instanced scenario immediately (which their instance servers can’t handle) since their world servers can’t handle more than 40 players in the same spot at the same time.
Just a suspicion.
It’s not just the instanced scenario tho. At least not for me. Maybe I’m the special one?
I guess we’re both special. I’m seeing lag outside of the scenario as well. Opened the map and it took close to a minute for world quests to appear. This is shameful.
At least it’s just lag for you. I keep getting kicked out.
I’m not surprised. It’s been the same thing since the beginning of the expansion on each and every Tuesday for the world bosses. At this point it leads one to conclude they either aren’t interested in addressing the issue or are incapable of doing so.
It’s mind boggling that a game that’s been around as long as World of Warcraft still has these issues. Back in the day, when the player base was 10+ times what it is now, lag was understandable. But this isn’t the old days.
Hey all,
The WoW team is aware of the performance issues being reported here and are actively working to improve the situation. Thanks for the reports and for hanging in there.
If I hear of any updates I’ll be sure to share them.