Unplayable Latency

Same thing here, came to see if anyone had the issues. Yesterday - no worries. 35ms. Today - over 2000 ms. Was wondering if there was a patch between yesterday and today…

Mines over 9000

A post was split to a new topic: AT&T U-verse High latency/disconnects main thread

I’m also getting abnormally high latency for both home and world. Getting occasional stuttering, but I’m getting pretty severe freezes/cast and loot lag.

This happens in just about any zone including dungeons. I’m hoping that blizzard clears this up soon…

I’ve had a tech support call with blizzard and they say it’s not anything on their end, but since I’m not the only one experiencing this issue (the forums are riddled with it), I’m thinking it’s definitely not on my end.

I’ve tried factory resetting the router, running on a VPN, disabling addons and firewalls… nothing helps. It’s not always constant either. Sometimes it’s better than others. I’ve tried playing in the morning vs peak hours. Morning is hit or miss with lag, but it gets steadily worse and more progressive as it moves into peak hours.

A post was merged into an existing topic: AT&T U-verse High latency/disconnects main thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: AT&T U-verse High latency/disconnects main thread

Hey there,

Lets go ahead and grab a winMTR so we can further investigate the problem. Here are the instructions:

  1. Download the tool from this page
  2. Enter the game IP into the “host” field. The IP address for our games are listed on the winMTR instructions page
  3. Start the test and play the affected game for at least 15 minutes. Ensure the problem happens while the winMTR tool is running.
  4. After recording the problem data, click “export text” and save the winMTR file in an easy to find location.
  5. Once you have that made, open the file. You’ll need to copy and paste the contents of the Text document into the post, and put four Tilde (~) marks above the winMTR. It’ll look like this:
WinMTR goes here

If you have issues pasting here, please use Pastebin and post the link (ex: Pastebin (dot) com/123456).

Getting the same issue when I join bgs, worked fine earlier and now I’m getting 8kms world

Game ran perfectly fine until the evening again. Not to hijack the post but simply to add to the list of results. Again, this DOES NOT happen with other online games and only with WoW. Havent tested other Blizzard games. Will probably open a ticket as well see if this can get solved, missing out on raiding!

pastebin (dot)com/zkVnG4Wr

My home MS is 50 World MS is 1000 to 6000. The game is unplayable. I just spent the last three BGs, at 5000 MS and couldn’t do a damn thing. Please restart your servers or figure this out. Its NOT us but you Blizz. I tried three other MMO’s and they played fine.

I have 30ms home latency, internet is working perfectly fine. Getting unplayable world latency only when in the Ny’alotha raid instance. 3000-7000ms. Something must be up with Blizzard’s instance servers.

My home and world latency aren’t abnormally high.

I think my world latency is at around 45 on average tonight while my home latency is around 37, which is normal. It’s usually 37/39 give or take a digit or so, so a fluctuation like that is negligible at best.

And yet, my ability lag is extreme and my loot lag is even worse despite saying all is well. Lots of people in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms mentioned experiencing the same problems. I’d like to do my Uldum dailies but I’m actually hesitant to do so. I doubt it is any better there.

As an aside, my PC is up to date, as is all of my drivers. My ISP isn’t experiencing any issues themselves. My PC could use a good dusting, sure, but I was fine until I logged in this evening after being gone all day. I use addons, and I made sure they were all up to speed before logging in. So yeah, not me.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: AT&T U-verse High latency/disconnects main thread

I’m also having these problems and I’m in Texas. Do we have a definitive solution yet? The game is impossible to play.

had a ping of 70ms since 2005
ever since 8.3 patch day my ping has raised to flat 85ms to 6000ms at peak hours
at the moment I’m sitting at 500ms
this ain’t my connection, other games are fine

Hey all,

A large portion of you are reporting things that are entirely unrelated to the original poster’s complaint, and to keep things from getting overly complicated, we cannot troubleshoot all of your problems in one thread as we don’t see anything that you all share. There were some players on a specific ISP we are checking out who posted here, but they were moved to the correct thread where we are investigating that problem with them there.

Anyone other than the original poster (Ashania) should be posting their own thread or contacting support if they need individual help.

I was using a VPN to use a different route.
I’ve found almost no issues on that one.
Back to testing my regular connection now.

Blizzard’s Looking Glass also showed nothing unusual from my home realm to me while the issues happened, both yesterday and the day before.

Yesterday, I’ve only had some lag issues around the same time frame as now, even through the VPN.
If the problem does show up, it should be within the next 3-4 hours.
MTR is running. Feeling kinda torn apart here, because if the issue does show up, it will ruin my session but will help pinpoint the network problem, and if it doesn’t I will be happy playing, but the issue may pop up later. :laughing:


That’s definitely the rough bit about intermittent issues, but we’ll be here to investigate once you do catch it red handed (assuming it wasn’t a temporary issue that was resolved.) To make sure the winMTR is usable, please make sure to only run it for 10-15 minutes at a time. Too much data muddies our results. You might even just turn it on once you start seeing bad latency and run it for about 5-10 minutes of bad latency so you don’t drive yourself mad restarting it all the time.

Haven’t seen the issue so far.
And since my job is Network Administrator, I know exactly how this feels…

This shouldn’t really help but… Current MTR run results and some additional info below.

Connections detected:
Port 3724

In-game home latency displayed min 122, max 213, avg 126.
World latency was pretty much the same + 13ms

Played location : Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
In-game response was around 500-700ms for abilities in the Assault Boss area, despite the latency value displayed being much lower, every other location was OK.

WinMTR for the actual game session started at packet sent #1256. For 15 minutes we need 900 packets, so I waited until packet sent #2196 to stop measuring.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                    -    0 | 2186 | 2186 |    0 |    0 |   14 |    1 |

|                      -    1 | 2171 | 2167 |    5 |   10 |   37 |    8 |

|                 -    1 | 2167 | 2162 |    6 |   11 |   60 |   14 |

|             187-111-254-112.as28220.net -    1 | 2179 | 2177 |    4 |   11 |   76 |   11 |

|                     -    1 | 2182 | 2181 |    5 |   11 |   80 |   14 |

|                  -    1 | 2182 | 2181 |   74 |   78 |  147 |   75 |

|                 -    1 | 2164 | 2158 |  113 |  120 |  162 |  124 |

|                  -    1 | 2171 | 2167 |  102 |  111 |  212 |  107 |

|              ae1-br01-eqdc2.as57976.net -    1 | 2163 | 2157 |  133 |  139 |  253 |  146 |

|         et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976.net -    1 | 2163 | 2157 |  133 |  142 |  736 |  136 |

|               be1-pe2-eqch2.as57976.net -    1 | 2152 | 2143 |  121 |  126 |  174 |  124 |

|                  -    1 | 2175 | 2172 |  133 |  139 |  164 |  139 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

I will be swapping to my VPN route now, since it's smoother, but the issue, should it happen, would occur there too.

AS IT TURNS OUT that may help. Replying back so you can update later once you reproduce the problem.

It looks like there’s some packet loss between the router and whatever’s after it - unsure if is your modem or your ISP since some ISPs will sometimes assign IP addresses in the 10.x.x.x range to their own hardware.

Let’s go ahead and confirm that we’re still seeing this type of problem or worse when the problem actively happens. Also in your reply, let me know how the network’s set up regarding combo modem/router or separate devices.

If we do see this packet loss, it may be time to replace the router, modem, or have the ISP come check the lines in your walls/on the way down the road.