Unofficial LGBTQI+ friendly guilds registry - advertise here!

So for some reason WoW Classic subreddit has “The LGBTQ+ community: is intending to play on Thalnos (EST - PvP)” listed in the demographic post for some reason, is this true at all?

Guild - BTU
Server - Myzrael
Faction - Alliance
Focus: Leveling

Mission Statement:
BTU is a guild of adult, mature, veteran gamers. We believe in a dedicated friendly, team focused, fun loving, gaming environment where every member is important and not just a spot to fill a dungeon or raid slot. We seek to develop long lasting friendships among members and by creating a fun and friendly environment we forge those friendships.



Any lgbt+ friendly guilds on Herod Horde?

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  • Whitemane (PvP)
  • Horde
  • Focus: PvP / semi-hardcore raiding
  • LGBTQI+ friendly

We promote a LGBTQI+ friendly, relaxed, non-toxic atmosphere playing with friends and invite anyone to join us. :smile:

We are not rushing through content, but the leadership has cleared all content before, and together we shall once more prevail.

If this sounds like a good fit, please contact me to find out more:
Discord: ScraftyJack#8876
Battlenet tag: ScraftyJoe#1949


Gosh, sorry. Above, Guild was supposed to read ‘Ambition’.

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  • Guild Name: Lionheart
  • Server: Whitemane - PvP - PST
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Focus: Semi-Hardcore PvE (Socials welcome)
  • LGBTQI+ Focus: Lionheart is not a guild focused on LGBTQI+ identities/activities, but it is welcoming of them. The guild is fairly progressive and has rules in place against actions such as harassment, bigotry, racism, etc. Right now I believe that most of our members are straight males, and while I have no issues with “traditional” gender identities/sexualities, it would be nice in my opinion to be able to expand and diversify the voices, thoughts, and opinions of guild discourse.
  • Recruitment Thread:

You can find our guild website, application, and information about raid times, member expectations, etc. in the forum thread above, as well as on the website itself. If you do submit an application, please be sure to include any information that may be relevant, such as preferred pronouns.

As I alluded to above, my reason for making this post is namely because I find value in diversity. Lionheart is a guild that would very much appreciate having people from all walks of life within it. Lionheart is NOT interested in having a small clique of diverse members who only talk amongst themselves. You will be expected to interact and be friendly with other members in the guild, regardless of their gender/sexuality. I say this not because I particularly expect cliques or anti-social personalities, but because I know that as someone who often faces judgment/aggression for being different, it can be hard to let down defensive walls and risk people not accepting you. If this is something you find particularly challenging, then unfortunately Lionheart may not be the best fit for you as the majority of our members are not LGBTQI+.

That all said, even if you aren’t interested in Lionheart I hope you all find great homes where you can enjoy classic WoW to the fullest :slightly_smiling_face: Best of luck in all your endeavors!

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The Anti Drama Society will be creating a sister guild on the Atiesh normal server. We are a “hardcore casual” guild, filled with helpful, social people. We have made a name for ourselves on the Proudmoore server, including our weekly Trade Channel Trivia. Our guild is an adult 18+ organization that is highly social and uses discord on a frequent basis. Many of us are professionals, some are college students, others are grandparents. We work by day and use WoW to unwind. If that is you, you may have found the last guild you will join. You can view our current recruitment ad here: [The Anti Drama Society - Proudmoore]
(LGBTQIA+, The Anti Drama Society, Proudmoore's premier social guild!) You can also find us on Facebook and on the Enjin website.

  • Name : The Anti Drama Society
  • Realm : Atiesh - PvE - Normal
  • Faction : Alliance
  • Focus : Social
  • LGBTQI+ Focus : LGBTQIA+ and allies. We have all members of the rainbow in our current guild, including asexuals, transgender, non-binary, and intersex.

If you have questions about our guild, pst me at btag: Isayuri#11732


Dat Guild name… dat statement… why even roll on Grob then?

Honestly Im considering Grob just so I wont have to hear slurs so carelessly tossed around all the time, Im a sh*t rper but I do enjoy observing events and such

Hmmm… interesting :wink:

I sent you a friend request on Discord! I am interested in joining the guild!

I heard horde of gaymers might be a guild there?

Seriously even as someone who is white/straight passing that stuff is exhausting to deal with in my personal time much less how dangerous it can be for people who are LGBTQ+… Hell I’ve had friends stabbed right in front of their house for being trans. So yes a place where they feel safe being who they are is a HUGE deal…


We are setting up a safe haven on Atiesh as well. All are welcomed to join.


Don’t respond to trolls. Report and move on.

  • The Dark Knights
  • Server: Pagle (PvE)
  • Horde
  • Focus is casual / social with healthy mix of PvE and PvP
  • LGBTQI+ friendly - not focused, but welcoming to all walks of life
  • Link to recruitment thread for more details:

< Pugs R Us >
Atiesh (PVE, PST time zone)
PVE, Casual/Semi-hardcore Raiding and Social
LGBTQI+ friendly, no political/religious discussions, and a zero tolerance policy on harrassment

I’m planning on rolling a holy paladin. Looking for a LGBT friendly guild on a PVP server. Preferably a guild with lax raid attendance rules. I’m on the West coast, but I have a flexible work schedule.

Bnet- Twidget#1826

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Guild name - Unknown
Server name and type - Pagle US / PvE
Faction - Horde
Focus - Social and maybe some raiding
LGBTQI+ focus - GM is gay and guildies are LGBTQI+ allies.
No link to anything.
Zer0F0xGiv3n#1887 add me for information

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Hello there! Excited to be joining the list of LGBTQI+ friendly and safe guilds. Triumvirate has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, both in guild public spaces as well as anything reported to us from whispers and PMs. We want an inclusive environment where everybody can feel safe and welcome regardless of their identity.

Triumvirate - Pagle Alliance - EST PVE
Raiding (multiple teams), Dungeons, PVP, Social events for the whole server
Current raid times Tue/Thurs 8:30-11:30 PST, Sun/Mon optional alt and farm raid schedule TBA
Second raid team forming now, all roles and classes welcome!

GM Battletag/Discord: Gamble#11866, Gamble#6711
Official forums recruitment post: [A] [EST] [PAGLE] <Triumvirate> | Community & Raiding