Unofficial Dragonkin Ideas and Changes (updated 7/5/2024)

As one of the few players who still care about pet battling, I feel nothing but boredom and disappointment as none of the new pets or even most of the old pets are any good, so I am on a journey to redesign as many battle pets as I could to hopefully prove pet battling could be revived under my leadership in the future assuming Blizzard hires me. Many new abilities, balance changes, and most importantly: many new pets! This list will be very long, unsurprisingly!

New Abilities:


  • Thunder Tongue deals additional damage if the user is struck first.
  • Wave Crash hits hard and has a chance to stun.


  • Piercing Roar damages the enemy team and increases damage dealt by 25% for 4 rounds with a 3 round cooldown.
  • Reckless Charge/Reckless Leap hits even harder and stuns the user.


  • Beehive is similar to Terrifying Toxicity.
  • Caustic Burst is visually different from Corpse Explosion.
  • Caustic Slime burns and deals damage over time.
  • Caustic Spittle deals damage over time and additional damage for 4 rounds.


  • Annihilate hits 4 times and has a stronger version with a 1 round cooldown.
  • Bronze Breath and Emerald Breath do not deal damage over time.
  • Burning Stench/Roaring Flames burns and deals damage over time to the enemy team.
  • Chilling Winds (which replaces Call Blizzard) is similar to Scorched Earth, but chilly as the name suggests and all pets are chilled instead of burning.
  • Deathly Breath deals split team damage.
  • Dream Fog is a thorns ability.
  • Fel Breath burns and deals damage over time.
  • Fel/Twilight Corruption are visually different from Scorched Earth.
  • Frost Fever is the dragonkin version of Deep Freeze.
  • Nightmare Breath burns and deals damage over time.
  • Pestilence poisons the enemy team over time.
  • Sands of Time is the dragonkin version of Sandstorm.
  • Starfire is the dragonkin version of Moonfire.
  • Unleashed Nightmare hits hard and burns for 2 rounds.


  • Ice Rupture hits hard and has a chance to stun.
  • Ice Spikes is a thorns ability.
  • Lightning Strike is an evade and ambush ability.
  • Lightning Sweep deals additional damage if the user is struck first.
  • Lighting Whip deals split AoE damage and force swaps the enemy pet.
  • Lightning Whiplash hits even harder and stuns the user.
  • Storm Breath shocks and deals damage over time.
  • Thunderstorm (replaces Call Lightning) changes the weather to a lightning storm, dealing additional damage to each hit and each pet has a 35% chance to be struck by lightning, dealing additional damage.


  • Birds of the Feather is similar to Sons of the Flame.
  • Eye Gouge hits hard and blinds the enemy for 1 round.
  • Eye Poke (weaker) damages and blinds the enemy by 50% for 2 rounds.
  • Eye Poke (stronger) hits hard and has a 50% chance of blinding the enemy by 50% for 1 round.
  • Flying version of Hiss.
  • Hurricane changes the weather to hurricane, increasing flying damage dealt by 25% and swapping to another pet will root the current pet for 3 rounds.


  • Overhead Bash hits hard and has a chance to stun.


  • Anima Flash damages and blinds the enemy by 50% for 2 rounds.
  • Mana Bomb is a delayed burst ability which stuns the enemy.
  • Surge of Anima hits hard and has a 50% chance of blinding the enemy by 50% for 1 round.
  • Unleashed Anima is visually different from Surge of Power.
  • Void Gaze slows down the enemy team for 9 rounds.
  • Void Storm is the void variant of Arcane Storm.
  • Void Touch adds damage to each hit for 4 rounds.


  • Flame Vent burns and deals damage over time.
  • Napalm is the mechanical version of Scorched Earth.
  • Rocket Thrusters damages and increases speed by 100% for 1 round.


  • Blight Breath deals split team damage.
  • Corruption deals damage over time.
  • Frighten damages and slows down the enemy for 4 rounds.
  • Great Plague poisons the enemy team.
  • Rotting Bile deals damage over time and additional damage for 4 rounds.


  • Ascend to the Heavens is visually different from Deliberate Retreat.
  • Blackout Brew and Scared Stiff are stuns.
  • Dream Dust puts the enemy to sleep for 2 rounds unless damaged.
  • Ice Cold is similar to Deep Research.
  • Illusion is visually different from Decoy.
  • Recharge is visually different from Reboot and Repair.
  • Refreshing Brew and Shimmering Moonlight heal over time.
  • Sun Dance and Time Warp are team speed buffs.

Balance Changes:


  • Carpnado damage buffed, destroys all objects, and now has fish flop everywhere (Deluge is the version without the fish).
  • Croak cooldown lowered and now slows down the enemy instead.
  • Dreadful Breath changed to aquatic and no longer lasts 3 rounds nor deals additional damage during rain (because of the 25% aquatic damage bonus during rain).
  • Geyser changed to aquatic.
  • Steam Vent now burns and deals damage over time.
  • Swallow You Whole no longer deals double damage if the enemy has less than 25% health.


  • Maul changed to a finisher similar to Impale.
  • Impale’s damage and cooldown raised.
  • Rake damage and cooldown lowered and now lowers the enemy’s damage and speed by 50% for 1 round.
  • Vengeance now similar to Early Advantage (changed to magic) instead.



  • Cataclysm damage lowered, cooldown raised, accuracy raised to 100%, and has a 50% chance of burning for 3 rounds.
  • Frost Breath now chills and deals damage over time.
  • Plague Breath now poisons and deals damage over time.
  • Shadowflame now burns and deals damage over time.
  • Starfall now deals additional damage during moonlight.
  • Wing Buffet changed to dragonkin.


  • Blizzard (weather) is now similar to Scorched Earth but chilly, all active pets are chilled instead of burning and no longer has an elemental damage bonus.
  • Paralyzing Shock cooldown lowered and now has a chance to stun instead.


  • Furious Flapping no longer has a cooldown and instead deals additional damage if the user goes first.
  • Preen damage buff now lasts 3 rounds.
  • Slicing Wind, Slicing Gale (undead), and Slicing Jade Wind now hits 2-3 times if the user is faster.



  • Gravity damage lowered, cooldown raised, and roots the enemy for 4 rounds.
  • Jade Breath changed to magic and now burns and deals damage over time.
  • Tentacle Stab now deals damage instantly, no longer “confuses” the enemy, and lasts 5 rounds.



  • Agony adds damage to each hit for 4 rounds instead.
  • Burp changed to undead.
  • Sludge Belch no longer has a cooldown.


  • Ashes of Outland cooldown lowered, but no longer damages the enemy (like Blinding Powder).
  • Cute as a Button now visually different from Deflection.
  • Cute Face and Frolic now a 100% dodge for 1 round with a 4 round cooldown.
  • Uncertainty changed to a team accuracy and critical strike chance buff for 4 rounds.
  • Void Portal no longer damages the user, but the cooldown is raised to 8 rounds.


  • Annuna: Water Jet/Furious Splashing, Cleansing Rain/Rain Dance, Whirlpool/Pump

  • Azure Swoglet: Frost Breath/Tongue Lash, Chilling Winds/Lick, Frost Fever/Ice Cold

  • Bronze Swoglet: Water Jet/Furious Splashing, Sands of Time/Croak/Temporal Anomaly, Frog Kiss/Wave Crash/Time Stop

  • Crimson Swoglet: Water Jet/Furious Splashing, Cleansing Rain/Rain Dance, Dive/Waterspout

  • Emerald Swoglet: Emerald Breath/Tongue Lash, Starfall/Moon Dance, Emerald Dream/Sleeping Gas

  • Puddle Hopper: Steam Vent/Steam Torrent, Acid Rain/Croak, Geyser/Steam Spout


  • Dragonhawk Hatchlings: Peck/Alpha Strike, Hawk Eye/Squawk, Lift-off/Eye Gouge

  • Nuggets (Juvenile): Savage Talon/Furious Flapping, Preen/Cluck, Lift-Off/Eye Gouge

  • Nuggets (Newborn): Peck/Furious Flapping, Preen/Cluck, Flock/Birds of the Feather


  • Blinky: Arcane Blast/Blinkstrike, Ethereal/Mana Flare, Nap Time/Lullaby

  • Kal’andu: Arcane Blast/Arcane Barrage, Moonfire/Moon Dance, Emerald Dream/Shimmering Moonlight

  • Nether Faerie Dragon: Arcane Blast/Arcane Barrage, Astral Shift/Life Exchange, Moonfire/Moon Dance

  • Sprite Darter Hatchling: Arcane Blast/Arcane Barrage, Astral Shift/Mana Flare, Moonfire/Moon Dance

  • Sun Darter Hatchling: Arcane Blast/Arcane Barrage, Rays of Light/Life Exchange, Illuminate/Dazzling Dance


  • Bonebiter: Vicious Fang/Rend, Spines/Hiss, Devour/Blinding Poison

  • Iguana (Blue/Blue Green/Blue Yellow): Vicious Fang/Rend, Looming Fog/Hiss, Devour/Vengeance

  • Iguana (Black/Ochre-Black/Ochre-Green): Vicious Fang/Sand Bolt, Spines/Quicksand, Devour/Blinding Sand

  • Iguana (Grey): Vicious Fang/Rend, Looming Fog/Somber Dance, Devour/Feign Death

  • Iguana (Maroon): Vicious Fang/Poison Fang, Spines/Toxic Bite, Devour/Terrifying Toxicity

  • Iguana (Black-Red-Grey/Red White): Vicious Fang/Rend, Spines/Hiss, Devour/Terrifying Toxicity

  • Iguana (Yellow): Vicious Fang/Poison Fang, Spines/Toxic Bite, Devour/Poison Protocol

  • Saurolisk Hatchling: Vicious Fang/Poison Fang, Spines/Toxic Bite, Devour/Puncture Wound

  • Scaley: Vicious Fang/Poison Fang, Ancient Blessing/Toxic Bite, Devour/Feign Death

  • Stonescale Hatchling: Vicious Fang/Rend, Stoneskin/Hiss, Devour/Stone Form


  • Ageless Bronze Drake: Bronze Breath/Assault, Sands of Time/Bend Time, Devastate/Time Stop

  • Albino Chimaeraling: Plague Breath/Assault, Toxic Fumes/Hiss, Pestilence/Wing Buffet

  • Armoredons: Horn Gore/Feral Strike, Spines/Piercing Roar, Reckless Charge/Lumbering Charge

  • Armoredon (Ice): Frost Spit/Feral Strike, Ice Spikes/Piercing Roar, Ice Rupture/Ice Cold

  • Chrominius: Bite/Psychic Blast, Prismatic Shield/Mana Shield, Recharge/Surge of Power

  • Death Talon Whelpguard: Club/Sweeping Blow, Deflection/Ironskin, Overhead Bash/Whirlwind

  • Discarded Experiment: Deathly Breath/Scratch/Caustic Slime, Spiked Skin/Caustic Spittle, Burning Stench/Rot/Caustic Burst

  • Drakks: Breath/Tail Sweep, Defensive Stance/Dragon’s Roar, Annihilate/Cataclysm

  • Lanticore Spawnling: Flame Breath/Chomp/Caustic Slime, Spiked Skin/Caustic Spittle, Consume Corpse/Caustic Burst

  • N’Zoth Worm (Black): Void Bite/Void Rend, Void Slip/Adrenal Glands, Void Nova/Void Crash

  • N’Zoth Worm (Grey-Red): Void Bite/Tentacle Stab, Void Touch/Creeping Insanity, Void Gate/Void Portal

  • N’Zoth Worm (Purple): Void Bite/Void Rend, Void Slip/Adrenal Glands, Void Tremors/Void Slap

  • N’Zoth Worm (Red): Bite/Rend, Void Slip/Maim, Devour/Void Coils

  • Slime Serpent: Blight Breath/Sludge Belch, Resilient Stitching/Rotting Bile, Great Plague/Burp

  • Twilight Clutch Sister: Burning Swipe/Assault, Twilight Corruption/Furious Surge, Twilight Meteorite/Quell

  • Untamed Hatchling: Claw/Swipe, Deflection/Ironskin, Maul/Great Swipe


  • Anima Wyrmling: Anima Bolt/Anima Barrage, Ethereal/Anima Flash, Surge of Anima/Unleashed Anima

  • Astral Emperor’s Serpentling/Celestial Dragon: Starsurge/Falling Stars, Moon Tears/Celestial Blessing, Phase Punch/Ascend to the Heavens

  • Azure Windseeker/Wild Crimson/Golden/Jade Hatchling: Wild Winds/Slicing Wind, Hurricane/Hiss, Lift-Off/Cyclone

  • Cloud Serpent Hatchling (Heavenly Azure): Bite/Rend, Shining Light/Rays of Light, Ray of Hope/Mass Resurrection

  • Cloud Serpent Hatchling (Heavenly Crimson/Heavenly Violet): Bite/Rend, Ray of Hope/Celestial Blessing, Rays of Light/Ascend to the Heavens

  • Cloud Serpent Hatchling (Heavenly Golden): Bite/Rend, Ray of Hope/Sun Dance, Rays of Light/Ascend to the Heavens

  • Fern: Poisoned Branch/Lash, Photosynthesis/Autumn Breeze, Sunlight/Sun Dance

  • Infinite Hatchling: Wild Winds/Slicing Wind, Hurricane/Uncertainty/Temporal Anomaly, Lift-off/Cyclone

  • Sha-Tainted Hatchling: Seethe/Rend, Smoke Bomb/Slither, Breath of Sorrow/Tail Smash

  • Soul of the Aspects: Holy Strike/Omnislash, Ancient Blessing/Draconic Remedy, Holy Light/Surge of Light

  • Thundering Cloud Serpent Hatchlings: Storm Breath/Rend, Thunderstorm/Slither, Lightning Strike/Tail Smash

  • Yu’la, Daughter of Yu’lon: Jade Breath/Jadefire Embers, Moon Tears/Celestial Blessing, Jadefire Lightning/Jade Barrier


  • Axel: Breath/Tail Sweep, Honey Coating/Shriek/Swarm of Bees, Devastate/Deep Breath/Beehive

  • Azure Whelpling: Frost Breath/Assault, Chilling Winds/Shriek, Frost Fever/Ice Cold

  • Bronze Proto-Whelp: Dragon’s Claw/Tail Sweep, Sands of Time/Bend Time, Proto-Strike/Wing Buffet

  • Bronze Racing Enthusiast: Bronze Breath/Pounce, Sands of Time/Primal Cry, Proto-Strike/Reckless Leap

  • Bronze Whelpling: Bronze Breath/Assault, Sands of Time/Temporal Anomaly, Devastate/Time Stop

  • Crimson Proto-Whelp: Huge, Sharp Teeth/Pounce, Black Claw/Primal Cry, Feast/Tail Smash

  • Crimson Whelpling: Flame Breath/Assault, Scorched Earth/Shriek, Devastate/Flame Cyclone

  • Dark Whelpling: Flame Breath/Assault, Scorched Earth/Dragon’s Roar, Devastate/Cataclysm

  • Dream Whelpling: Emerald Breath/Tail Sweep, Emerald Presence/Dream Fog, Emerald Dream/Healing Flame

  • Emerald Proto-Whelp: Emerald Breath/Pounce, Starfire/Primal Cry, Sleeping Gas/Dream Dust

  • Emerald Whelpling: Emerald Breath/Assault, Starfall/Moon Dance, Emerald Dream/Tranquility

  • Emmigosa: Arcane Slash/Arcane Riposte, Ancient Blessing/Draconic Remedy, Arcane Storm/Arcane Dash

  • Felborne Whelpling: Fel Breath/Assault, Fel Corruption/Shriek, Devastate/Fel Meteorite

  • Infinite Whelpling: Temporal Blast/Blinkstrike, Arcane Storm/Time Bomb, Rewind Time/Portal

  • Ironbound Proto Whelp: Scratch/Tail Sweep, Ironskin/Dragon’s Roar, Proto Strike/Slow and Steady

  • Jeweled Amber Whelpling: Flame Breath/Assault, Stoneskin/Time Warp, Devastate/Portal

  • Jeweled Emerald Whelpling: Flame Breath/Assault, Stoneskin/Starfall, Devastate/Stone Form

  • Jeweled Onyx Whelpling: Flame Breath/Assault, Stoneskin/Shriek, Devastate/Onyx Wall

  • Jeweled Ruby Whelpling: Flame Breath/Assault, Stoneskin/Shriek, Devastate/Dragon’s Call

  • Jeweled Sapphire Whelpling: Flame Breath/Assault, Stoneskin/Wild Magic, Devastate/Portal

  • Lil’ Deathwing: Flame Breath/Tail Sweep, Scorched Earth/Roll, Cataclysm/Elementium Bolt

  • Lil’ Frostwing: Frost Breath/Tail Sweep, Chilling Winds/Roll, Frost Fever/Elementium Bolt

  • Lil’ Nefarian: Breath/Tail Sweep, Ancient Blessing/Draconic Remedy, Dragon’s Call/Raise Dead

  • Lil’ Tarecgosa: Arcane Salvo/Arcane Missiles, Arcane Storm/Mana Bomb, Illusion/Portal

  • Lil’ Wrathion: Breath/Assault, Smoke Bomb/Focus, Devastate/Paralysis

  • Lubbins: Flame Breath/Assault, Ancient Blessing/Draconic Remedy, Proto Strike/Feign Death

  • Magic Nibbler: Arcane Slash/Pounce, Arcane Storm/Primal Cry, Mana Surge/Reckless Leap

  • Maw Whelpling (Blue Eyes): Shadow Slash/Corruption, Curse of Doom/Agony, Haunt/Unholy Ascension

  • Maw Whelpling (Red Eyes): Shadow Slash/Shadow Pounce, Curse of Doom/Frighten, Haunt/Unholy Ascension

  • Moon-Touched Netherwhelp: Nether Blast/Nether Barrage, Phase Shift/Ashes of Outland, Moonfire/Moon Dance

  • Nelthara: Breath/Assault, Spiked Skin/Sands of Time, Devastate/Elementium Bolt

  • Netherwhelp: Nether Blast/Nether Barrage, Phase Shift/Ashes of Outland, Arcane Storm/Time Warp

  • Nexus Whelpling: Arcane Slash/Arcane Riposte, Arcane Storm/Gravity, Mana Surge/Surge of Power

  • Nightmare Whelpling: Nightmare Breath/Assault, Agony/Shriek, Unleashed Nightmare/Scared Stiff

  • Obsidian Proto Whelp: Flame Breath/Pounce, Scorched Earth/Primal Cry, Devastate/Headbutt

  • Obsidian War Whelp: Flame Vent/Shred, Napalm/Bombing Run, Launch/Armageddon

  • Polliswog: Dreadful Breath/Thunder Tongue, Cleansing Rain/Eat the Fly, Kragwa’s Wrath/Carpnado

  • Posidriss: Emerald Breath/Assault, Cute as a Button/Shriek, Nap Time/Hug

  • Proto-Drake Whelp/Verdant Proto Whelp: Breath/Tail Sweep, Ancient Blessing/Dragon’s Roar, Proto-Strike/Deep Breath

  • Rithro: Emerald Breath/Assault, Soothing Mists/Autumn Breeze, Devastate/Weald Wall

  • Rusziona:

  • Snore: Emerald Breath/Assault, Emerald Presence/Furious Surge, Emerald Dream/Healing Flame

  • Spawn of Onyxia: Breath/Assault, Ancient Blessing/Draconic Remedy, Devastate/Dragon’s Call

  • Spyragos: Flame Breath/Assault, Refreshing Brew/The Good Stuff, Devastate/Blackout Brew

  • Stormie: Storm Breath/Pounce, Thunderstorm/Primal Cry, Lightning Strike/Maul

  • Swoglet: Dreadful Breath/Thunder Tongue, Cleansing Rain/Eat the Fly, Whirlpool/Wave Crash

  • Stormborne Whelpling: Storm Breath/Lightning Sweep, Thunderstorm/Lightning Shield, Lightning Strike/Paralyzing Shock

  • Storm Drake Whelp (Fel): Storm Breath/Rend, Thunderstorm/Rake, Lightning Strike/Nether Gate

  • Thorignir Whelpling: Storm Breath/Lightning Sweep, Thunderstorm/Lightning Shield, Lightning Strike/Lightning Whiplash

  • Thunderscale Whelpling: Storm Breath/Spark, Thunderstorm/Lightning Rush, Lightning Strike/Lightning Whip

  • Twilight Whelpling: Shadowflame/Assault, Twilight Corruption/Shriek, Devastate/Twilight Meteorite

  • Veilwings (Blue/Violet): Scratch/Flurry, Starfire/Moon Dance, Sleeping Gas/Dream Dust

  • Veilwings (Orange/Red): Scratch/Flurry, Tranquility/Nature’s Touch, Starfall/Moon Dance

  • Void-Scarred Whelpling: Void Bite/Rend, Void Storm/Void Gaze, Void Shift/Void Portal

  • War Whelp (Red/Blue Armor): Flame Vent/Shred, Napalm/Rocket Thrusters, Launch/Armageddon

  • Zalethgos: Plot Twist/Arcane Slash, Ancient Knowledge/For Adventure, Deep Research/Stay a While and Listen

  • Zhusadormu:

Some entries are still unfinished, so I may need help filling in the blanks. Constructive criticism is helpful. Granted, some pets do have extra abilities for good reason: some movesets would feel incomplete (Rascal-Bot would lose Armageddon otherwise). Also a great way to include more underused abilities I want.