Unoffical Playable Arakkoa Discussion Thread

I tracked down a draft of a post I made many years ago for what I theory-crafted for playable Arakkoa, last updated for BFA when allied races seemed to be making new playable race options a frequent thing. Re-posting it for those who never saw it or forgot about it.


The Terrokai Vanguard

-Base Concept-
The Arakkoa would bring something very different to the table in regards of aesthetics and experience. A playable bird race in an MMO is still a fresh concept, only implemented one other time, and teased for another. It’s a niche that is begging to be filled. The Arakkoa themselves have some incredible lore established, which is just languishing on the shelf. WoD really expanded on it, it was one of the few story-lines that left you with a sense of accomplishment afterwards. There are quite a few people who have indicated interest in the Arakkoa as well. Would it be as explosively popular as BElves? Let’s face it, nothing will be.

The Arakkoa have not been idle, back on Draenor. Without the zealotry of the Adherents, and the Order of the Awakened entering a truce with the Mag’har and Draenei following the defeat of the Legion on Draenor; the Arakkoa set themselves on the path of reuniting their people and rebuilding their nation. Without the infighting and sabotage between sects, they begin to make reformations in their society, and approach a more forwards-looking collective goal. Not to say they completely forsake the past, the lure of the Apexis is something they still pursue, spurred by the Gorian Empire’s attempt to reclaim some of it’s territory and make strikes of vengeance following the conflicts prior. The knowledge of the Apexis would be better in the Awakened Arakkoan talons, than the Ogres’ hands.
Ultimately this would be their saving grace.

-The Crisis of Light-
As is revealed with the Horde’s return to Draenor in search of the Mag’har, the peace has gone terribly awry. The Draenei have formed a Lightbound Legion, and are crusading across the continent. Only the potency of shards of recovered Apexis technology and the ingenuity of the Arakkoa has kept the Awakened Nation independent. But the solar arrays, golems, and illusionary feats are only holding back the relentless tide. However the Arakkoa’s sages discover the tenuous, lingering tether between Draenor and Azeroth, the remnant from the Honorbound Mag’har’s escape. They employ as many magi and artificers as they can spare to access this bridge, and open the door.
Reshad is nominated for his ties with the prior champion, and he and an escort are sent through to seek out the Alliance. Having been the Draenei’s allies in the crisis of the Iron Horde and Legion, it is hoped they will be able to provide diplomacy and bring the Lightbound to reason. Their arrival is less than ideal, the relatively unstable connection reconnecting to Azeroth with the delta of the Wetlands; and then their discovery of the near-derelict Menethil harbor is dismaying. But contact is made, and a ship quickly takes them to Stormwind.
The discovery of Lightforged among the Alliance would be a brief moment of alarm and distrust for the Arakkoa, but swayed with further exposure as they are escorted through Stormwind to other citizens and soldiers. Once at the keep, they detail the situation on Draenor and their need for assistance to the audience with the Alliance leaders, and the champion who was summoned. The extreme zealotry of the Lightbound would be cause for concern, echoing events between Illidan and Xe’ra amplified many times over, and agree to send the champion with a team to Draenor alongside the returning Reshad.
With Alliance mages stabilizing the portal on the Azerothian side, the ambassadorial escort crosses to Draenor. After receiving a dire update that the Lightbound had seize all of the Veils and only the Spires themselves were still unconquered, the Alliance champion is sent to seek out Yrel. She is found within the dusty, abandoned garrison in Shadowmoon Valley, having traveled there on sensing a familiar light. While the encounter is initially welcoming and in a friendly warmth, Yrel’s conquering zeal is soon apparent, demanding the champion aid her in converting the Arakkoa, or be subjugated as well. Timely intervention of an Arakkoa strike extracts the champion, and it is clear there is no path for discourse.
The Order of the Awakened’s council debates with duress, until Terokk’s shade manifests once more, and drives home a grim conclusion, the Spires will fall, and only exodus can save at least an acceptable number of their people The solar arrays are pushed to their limits to keep the Lightbound at bay as all other assets are dedicated to maintaining the gateway and evacuation as citizens are sent through, the champion, bolstered by Terokk once more, assisting in defense. As the last of the arrays are shattered, the champion humors one last demand from Yrel before being whisked through the gateway with the last evacuees, which is promptly destroyed by the Arrakoan soldiers who remain behind.

-Azerothian Arakkoa-
Stormwind’s many spires and ramparts prove suitable to the Arakkoan refugees, who slowly, awkwardly begin to make themselves at home. While their ancient homeland is lost, they are determined to follow in the guidance given again by the Talon King; not to dwell in the past, to find new champions and forge a new destiny. Now, on Azeroth, that rings more true then ever before. They organize a new military element to contribute to the Alliance’s war efforts, named the Terokkai Vanguard, primary serving in the Airfleet or as scouts and coriers.

Warrior- The mainline class that every race has a role for. Foot soldiers are always a necessity and examples of Arakkoa using pure martial prowess are plentiful.
Paladin- Like with Tauren Sunwalkers, Arakkoan Paladins are not quite in the same skein as what the Alliance see their orders as. They would canonically be Ret-focused in lore as Solar battlemages.
Rogue- With the reunification with the Outcasts, there are no doubt a number of High Arakkoa would seek use of shadows and subterfuge to strike down foes.
Hunter- While there are no real examples of ranged Hunters among the Arakkoa, melee Hunters are a definite fit and the birdfolk have a love for their Kaliri companions. (I personally can envision them creating apexis ‘beam caster’ rifles after seeing guns used by their new allies.)
Priest- Simple and strait forwards once again. The Arakkoa have priests, and with the Order of the Awakened a full breadth of specializations seems very within Lore.
Mage- Again, plenty of examples of this. The birdfolk quite loved their fiery solar destruction.
Druid- Examples of Arakkoa using druid spells do exist, and while they are all non-boomkin Balance users, this has a great deal of potential. As with Hunters they can learn the full potential of this class from their new allies, and bird-infused animal forms, although flight-form might be a bit redundant, though certainly would be a Kaliri.

-Racial Abilities-
Wing Buffet (Combat Active) - Knocks enemies in front of you back 12 feet and disorients for 1 sec. Something just about any class could appreciate.
Avian Alacrity (Offensive Passive) - Increases the chance to hit by 1%.
Basked in Radiance (Defensive Passive) - Reduces holy and fire damage taken by 1%.
Call of the Sky (Utility) - Arakkoa can immediately take wing and fly without a mount using their own wings where flying is permitted. Their flight speed is reflective of their riding skill, a level 20 can fly at 160%. When unable to mount, the ability instead will give them a slowfall glide.


Admittedly, the Dracthyr has swiped some of the proposed racials and other elements, but still, Arakkoa are just so fascinating and enticing.


You have my support

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And now we have Evokers.



With the Lightbound coming with Yrel on Azeroth, I suppose we could get some non-corrupt arakkoa on Azeroth.

Like the saberon in the Mag’har scenario, they could try to run away of the Lightbound and they could meet the Alliance to help them.

A meeting with their kind in Outland could be interesting too.


Since we didn’t see them in the Mag’har recruitment scenario, I’d guess we have a stronger chance of getting the Outland kind but I could also see the Lightbound come to Azeroth and bring the Arrakoa with them and get the High form that way.

Be really neat to have the arrakoa!


It’s not impossible to get the AU Draenor Arakkoa to come to Azeroth. Maybe the Arakkoa manage to make magic that allows them to go to MU Azeroth. Possibly from studying remnants of portal magic or something when we went there in the Mag’har Orc unlock scenario.

I imagine whatever Arakkoa are there, they don’t want to be forced into the Lightbound. This could even give AU Arakkoa characters a starting area in AU Draenor that shows how bad things are and their escape from the Lightbound into MU Azeroth, meeting up with whatever faction they’d join or both if they went neutral.

This could even be done with Saberon in a similar fashion so that newbie area resources could be shared. Not to mention that Saberon and Arakkoa have a pretty rough history with each other and make a lot of sense as a pair, so having Arakkoa arrive and meet with the Alliance to help them with something while Saberon arrive and help the Horde against the Botani in the Barrens would make for some great storylines, as well as opening world event stuff for existing player characters.

Lots of potential with this line of thinking! I’ll have to flesh it out more here and in the Saberon megathread. :parrot:


Yeah, that was very much my line of thought regarding the bit of narrative writing I did. Yrel and her Lightbound have gone cuckoo cray-cray and the Arakkoa need help to not be subjugated/wiped out by them. The birds bailing to Azeroth to escape them just seems practical, and does further help open the door to a story where we all come into conflict with a Light-based opposing force.


I do think a lot will depend on what Blizzard’s plans for the Lightbound would be. They have too much potential to just be left forgotten.

I see them more as antagonists if anything, given what we’ve seen of them in the Mag’har unlock scenario. I can’t really imagine them being anyone we work with, unless it’s something Turalyon initially does with the Alliance that goes south fairly quickly.

I feel like they could be major antagonists for an expansion, having some interesting potential for storylines and the like. It would also help play into playable Saberon and Arakkoa and their storylines, since the Lightbound would be the reason they had to escape to Azeroth and lost a lot of their friends and family. Not to mention having to fight some of them who have been subjugated by the Lightbound.

It’s very likely we’ll have to deal with them at some point. I’ll be curious to see what direction is taken with them whenever we do. It’s a good opportunity to add in playable Arakkoa and Saberon as well. :parrot: :tiger2:

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Derping about with a Dracthyr just makes me want an Arakkoa, dang it. Totally the vibe I get when on it as follows.

Us: “Hey Blizz, can we have a cool avian race with a really epic backstory?”

Blizz: “You have a flying race at home.”

The flying race at home: Dracthyr

(Sorry Derg-thing fans)

One good thing about the Dracthyr is that the flying mechanics could, in theory, be applied to playable Arakkoa. Granted, I don’t think the dragonflying thing would work for them and a lot would need to be done if playable Arakkoa got innate flying (not being instantaneous for example). Modeling wings could also help with that.

Although, the question would then be if playable Arakkoa would all be their regular form or if the cursed form would be an option as well. Maybe those that join, especially if they’re from AU Draenor, could have fixed the curse by the time they escape to Azeroth.

However, I do know some people liked the cursed form and would want that playable in some fashion. Given that there would likely be four models of Arakkoa, male and female of both forms, and possible different racials (cursed Arakkoa not having wings would need a racial in place of an innate flying racial), I don’t know how likely that would be.

It’s something important I think is worth discussing for Arakkoa fans. It’s just hard to see what direction playable Arakkoa would go at times. :rice_cracker::parrot:

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The debate between Cursed Arakkoa and “High” Arakkoa being the playable version has been ongoing since WoD gave us the latter. Either it has been presented as they’d be two separate race selections, or proposed that instead of gender options they chose between cursed or not, and just had a male/female voice selection box as in-lore Arakkoa are completely lacking in observable sexual dimorphism. My own race concept was closer to the former, focusing solely on the non-cursed Arakkoa as admittedly I expect they would be bred-out in time with mitigation of the Curse.

If both are under one Race entry, racial flight could be accomplished equally by the cursed either auto-mounting a dread raven like pterrodax swoop for the duration, or perhaps purely magickal wings manifesting. That could’ve been an reconstructive effort and gift to the Cursed in the years between when we last saw them and “Today”, returning the fallen to the skies at least via spell-work.

and then you can fly by yourself

Found a neat art piece on DeviantArt of an Arakkoa, I think of the cursed variant. It was created by KueshkaArt and uploaded to the website on Oct. 8th, 2014.

“Blizzard fest_2014_Priest K’hilleck” by KueshkaArt on Deviantart.

Thought it was a cool art piece that I wanted to share for some playable Arakkoa idea inspiration. :bird:

Also, it looks like on March 29th, this megathread will hit its 2 year anniversary, which is pretty exciting! :rice_cracker::parrot:


I’ve seen that piece before, the atist has some really fantastic WoW works.

Recently another artist also longing for playable birdfolk dropped an Arakkoa Paladin on us.


Omg give me!


I know! Hunter and Paladin have been my alternating mains. And I’d love to be able to swap both over to Arakkoa.

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try to convince blizzard to make them

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If Arakkoa became playable, I was thinking of a male Arcane Mage. However, part of me was also considering them as a plate class, possibly a warrior. Mostly because I’m remembering the bird knights in the final dungeon of Zelda II, who are rather infamous to fight in the game, and I kinda like the design of bird knights in general.

I guess a lot depends on how the playable Arakkoa model would look and how they’d look with armor transmogs on. Still, playable Arakkoa are something I hope to see become a reality someday.


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I’m hoping they’d have paladin as an option. Though I could see me going with Priest as well…

Something for the Sun.

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Arakkoa has a new race should be super easy for Bliz just treat them like the moonkin form and done. Couple expacs later allow some minor changes like diff colours feathers.

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