Unobtainables in Classic

Here was my very first post:

followed by:

I never said Vanilla was included. I said its protections were “in joepardy”. Now, according to Dictionary Dot Com, “in jeopardy” means: ‘hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury’. So my statement was apt in the context of prior to the 2018 final ruling.

My next statement was “potentially affected”. I trust you do not need me to define “potentially” for you.

So no, I did not state anywhere that Vanilla WoW was going to lose its protections. I said it could have had the original proposal(s) on the matter been accepted verbatim by the Library of Congress.

No, you just don’t like it that I don’t buy the narrative that a temper tantrum caused Blizzard to cave in suddenly. Especially after 13 years since Patch 2.0 went live. Granted the main reason, the fact World of Warcraft was subsidizing the entire company and having to pay for SC II and Diablo III development no longer applies since OW, HotS, and HS have taken over that role.

I’m more of the mind the final nail was that the lawyers looked into it and said “Hey guys, this is a possibility, here is what we recommend to protect yourselves from it” and went with that idea versus Lore or whoever going to them and saying “Hey guys, a handful of people are making a little noise in the forums about Classic, we better give it to them!”.

Not to mention if you look at articles from earlier in 2018, the Entertainment Software Association specifically cites World of Warcraft: Classic as an example of why no exemptions should be granted at all.

Read what you said here. Go back and reread our whole argument. Once you come to the realization of what is going on here then comment again. Until then I would recommend lurking.

Yes… World of Warcraft Classic is in active development, and therefore is an active product. Thus no legal entity, namely a court, would find that Vanilla WoW is abandoned.

What part about that did you not understand?