Unobtainable Items, new players, and a good solution

You’re underestimating the psychology of wanting to make sure you don’t miss out next time because you missed out last time

That in and of it’s self is a BAD THING as it’s psychological manipulation in a very, VERY unethical manner


Just add all the removed items to their respective expanions timewalking vendor

You want a pandaland tier set? That’ll be 50k badges, get farming

It was something you got for logging on in something like a 2 month window after the movie premiered.


I’m a big fan of using the sword for my ally monk, and the staff for my Horde lock.


As someone who has many, many unobtainable items, and titles. I 100% believe that no item would become unobtainable or restricted. All it does is create Fomo which is an unfun feeling and turns me off from games. Exclusive clubs of people who did a thing at a time is silly to me. The more the merrier.


For content, that’s a bit of a fair point when it’s stuff that’s tied to the story and then that story’s kinda just gone. If the story doesn’t suffer with its removal, it’s not really a big deal IMO. I will say I think it’s odd that the legendary questlines for MoP and WoD got removed at the end of those expansions, and I’ve forgotten what reasoning they gave for doing so. It’s especially odd since all of the legendary questlines prior to MoP are still available, despite many of them just being side quests.

This bit isn’t really relevant with regard to what I was saying, which is that the BMAH is generally how Blizzard chooses to add limited-time stuff back into the game. How it’s used by players doesn’t really matter here, although it’s usually only certain things that go for gold cap. Most stuff is your typical ‘bid until the other guys stop bidding’.

If there’s a way to see removed stuff in the default UI, that must be through addons or maybe some hidden console command? Otherwise time-limited stuff usually only shows up if you actually have it. In some cases that applies even before the window closes on getting it.

Basically, I do support having stuff that’s not always available simply because I think it’s cool to have stuff that lets folks say ‘I was there and I got this’ when it was available. I don’t even manage to get most of that stuff myself, but that’s fine IMO even if I claim to be a collector. I just accept that I wasn’t able to get it and put it out of my mind. But over the years I’ve learned that I seem to be pretty laid-back for a collector. Most of the vocal collectors seem to be pretty high-strung lol

You can already obtain all of the vanilla PvP rewards still through Rated RBG’s. Need 1800 to buy the weapons and armor transmog.

Almost no one cares about the “prestige” of skilless items. Things like promo, quest chains and dungeon rewards from cata revamp should come back and nobody would make an actual fuss about it because it means nothing to have logged in between november and december in X year

Where people have issues is when you remove the work and effort that went into doing actual real content like seasonal pvp. You werent good enough 10 years ago to get high rating? Then too bad, your success in an easier version of the game does not make you good enough to have gotten those rewards when they were hard

You shouldnt get hall of fame for ghuun by clearing heroic sylvannas. You shouldnt get % based drakes for getting elite

Clearing mythic raid when its current should have more seasonal incentives that cannot be earned by one shotting two expansions later


And your post shows you did not actually read what I posted, but assumed you knew what was going to be said and posted directly after such.

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It’s working as intended, to attract more FOMO addicts to the game who will gladly tell everybody how that item makes them superior to players who don’t have it, and to reduce retention rates of new players who don’t like being treated badly.


No i did read it, i’m responding in general

Bring back cosmetics from quest chains, promos, login rewards. Bring back content. They shouldnt have gotten removed

Do not bring back challenging rewards that required beating and winning against other players. That CC thread suggestion is an absolute joke

Bingo. Took the words out of my mouth.

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I mean, letting players choose which rewards they want from that pool, so long as they still are in the appropriate tier/bracket should be okay as it’s them choosing which version of the reward they really like/want and lest players who weren’t around then have more choices of what they would/wouldn’t want to progress toward. I don’t see how that’s a bad thing as they’d still be having to beat other players (I do know win trading/boosting is a thing, but that’s a whole other issue, especially when some of the Devs do that themselves)

So, you being a customer then means you are more valuable than customers now, despite the fact that a game like WoW needs to get as much new blood as it can, not give reasons for the new blood not to join on/stick around?

Its absolutely a bad thing

You can’t equate having needed to find a team, get top % on your battlegroup (some battlegroups had insane competition), learning to play a class that didn’t have covenant power and modifiers propping it up, and decide that being the best player on your server at the time is equal to current day counting down 1 2 3 sap into three spites gg thing from beyond for 50 wins at 1400 mmr because getting glad wins at low rating is a thing

There is no “timewalking” a meta and class balance and overall player skill and competition from years ago

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Stuff like this should never get removed, they should add it to an option for equally challenging content.

I got the challenge mode sets on a few toons but never got the Paladin set cuz I wasn’t interested at the time.

Why is there no way to obtain it? It wasn’t super difficult. When I see a player I don’t say “wow you managed to complete all the gold challenge modes”. They were much easier than modern day keys.

Hopefully they add it back as a timewalking feature.


Do you honestly think getting 2400 and doing 50 wins should give rewards that once took being in the top 0.5% of a very competitive ladder? You think those two things are the same? Did you ever accomplish either of them? I think you might have a different perspective if you had.


The problem is a lot of the stuff removed was for defeated content that even under “Timewalking” would be trivial in today’s game.

this is a pretty weak argument from a couple different angles.

PVP isn’t really my cup of tea so couldn’t say, but the game is a much, much different thing now than it was then. Perhaps gladiators should return to being that ‘only 0.5% of players’ again if that’s such an issue then?

Also, thank you for your input and at least being somewhat active on the council forum, there are so many on it that only posted the once in the intro thread and never again which has been very disheartening as though they only wanted to be on the council but don’t care at all about the state of the game.