Unobtainable Items, new players, and a good solution

Oh, it does.

They just watch the latest youtube videos or twitch clips to figure out what they need to be mad about, and whether or not they should play. Half of all forum posts being people parroting back something they heard from somebody else really is quite tedious.

when I first joined back in WoD, I was a little sad seeing things I couldn’t get ever again. but I just moved on and spent time focusing on rewards I could obtain.

yeah that sucks. but there’s no other mount model for the rooster, either.
you just move on and find new mounts.

you are aware that restaurants do this, correct?
and no, its not a disservice. you missed out, big deal, move on lol


So… more FOMO.

Its not unobtainable stuff that pushes nee players away.

Destiny 2 has 90% of the gear you see on every screen sunset. Its been removed, but the gear still shows up on your collections tabs… yet game is doing quite well

Wows problem is tedious design for the sake of being tedious, and ego driven passive aggressive attacks on its customers that they have constantly baked into the game, and only seem to continue to be doing.


Classic haves vs have nots.

If you wanted to throw the OG brewfest ram or the undying title or the wow movie promo gear around it would impact my gameplay zero. I may be incentivized to use accomplishment mog/mount/title more but I’ve had a solid run of using my undying title. I’m happy with the mileage I got out it. Others enjoyment doesn’t ruin mine. How about the competitors tabard? I have that too. My wife had the pld t2 reskin from the ore patch event and the axe. Put it all up for grabs in a way that entices participation and not bmah economic drain.

It really doesn’t matter to anyone’s gameplay for others to have stuff. The most challenging game modes should be there for the challenge, not an exclusive club membership.


It absolutely has downsides. The major one being that things advertised as ‘time sensitive’ were a lie. I do not believe in things being removed because X evolved into Y (think Naxx40 vs Naxx10/25). Many (though not all) of those appearances came back via the BMAH. Challenge Mode rewards from MoP and WoD however were brought in with a clear end date. Those items should remain exclusive to the people who got them back then. To sum this up, items/rewards that were listed as clearly time sensitive should remain that way and items lost as a by product of changes to the game should be made available.


Destiny also is more of a looter shooter than an mmo-rpg and items there are more for stats and not looks/no real transmog system/etc that I am aware of outside of ‘shaders’ and lootbox drops so that’s like apples and oranges really

You mean like alot of things are such as ‘limited time promotions’ in each and every other industry, including other players in the games industry?

Even at the cost of revenue, they should keep things out despite having ways to bring it back in a way that could preserve the initial challenge when the entire point of them saying a digital good is ‘time sensitive’ is to play on peoples psychology in an extremely predatory way?


They have a full transmog system now.

Convoluted and stupid, but its there.

I think the argument for something like this is technically too flawed to apply to most players, because it implies that this removed stuff is inherently desirable for reasons other than just because it’s removed, when that’s the only reason most of it’s desirable. If it wasn’t removed or was otherwise made available again, that removes the reason most people would want it in the first place. Otherwise, most of it is old, low-texture, and/or palette swapped versions of stuff that’s still readily available.

Aside from that, new players have enough to be getting on with that they probably aren’t even going to be aware of stuff that’s been removed, unless it’s stuff from the most recent expansion. Even then, removed stuff is typically hidden from reward lists/collection UIs so as not to bug people who missed it.

Also, there’s the BMAH. It’s not a perfect, all-encompassing solution, but that’s generally where Blizzard goes to add select FOMO rewards back into the game.

But I am a clown and a child who thinks that exclusivity is important to gaming and that others should not ever obtain things I “rightfully earned when it was current content”. :clown_face:


Hey man, please don’t insult folks like that if it can be avoided. Even if I disagree with their view point, it’s no reason to get rude/dispariging like that.

That said: I too have the big ol’ Horde Bike and the Primal Flamesaber too (I’ve been asked about both more than once and it sucks telling people they can’t get them still)

Not really? I want to do the MoP cloak line so I can finally get proper closure on the story of MoP cause it kind of wraps up the threads left dangling from each zone’s story in a nice, neat, bow in it’s own way. Same with the WoD ring quest line.

For me the appearances and items aren’t about ‘oh, other’s don’t have it that’s why it’s good’ but 'hey this would really complete this mog set/look/rp character concept/character fantasy concept I want to go for

BMAH is a joke for the vast majority of the player base due to the groups that control the AHs behind the scenes and are at in game gold caps who can basically just ‘buy out’ the BMAH if things are on it, or who have enough IRL money to just, buy the gold with tokens (or even RMT if they want to risk that)

That isn’t really the case, at all. If I toggle on to see unavailable transmog which means I’ve not unlocked it for how the ui is set up, it includes not only things that can be gotten still but things no longer availabe in game, pretty sure it’s the same with mounts


First off, who told you? Secondly, there is a benefit to having limited time rewards. Again I preface this with the fact that it should be clearly listed that way at the launch of the content. You do not want too many limited items but having some is definitely a good thing.

That argument is somewhat flawed too, it’s assuming that the only reason people want it is because it was removed, yet it begs the question of: how did they come across it in the first place? Most people probably aren’t looking at “Removed content in WoW” articles and seeing stuff and then wanting it, they’re probably coming across it somehow else, wanting to get it, and then finding out it’s been removed. But it also entirely depends on what the thing is in question, at the end of it though, if it exists someone has probably wanted it because they liked the way it looked, and uprooting FOMO design would go a long way for making a lot of players happier and a more well designed game in general.


Just want to point out that when we’re talking about stuff that isn’t available anymore, the overwhelming majority of that is seasonal PvP rewards.

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Exactly, thank you for putting it more eloquently than I did! I’m good at ideas, but man, am I bad at getting across what I mean effectively!

Honestly, they could bring those back too, some one on the CC mentioned just letting people choose what rewards they get and reward tokens to spend at a vendor to give that choice, I think that’d work pretty well, but maybe also introducing ‘off seasons’ where there’s no ‘new’ reward but use it as a way to let people get the old rewards if they want them too


No matter how hard I try, I cannot rewind the clock to 2004.

Like life, we miss out on so many things. I’m missing out on cutting edge stuff all the time. But oh well…it doesn’t bother me.

As a newish player circa 2018, I have enjoyed building what legacy achievements are mine.

And off topic, but back in the day so many games weren’t bulit around these ranks and medals. No one is hero worshipping nor should be

:dragon: :mountain: :ocean: :dragon: :mountain: :ocean::dragon: :mountain: :ocean:


Blizzard is massively inconsistent with this, though.

Like I said, most unavailable items are seasonal PvP rewards, like mounts. Yet raid mounts are permanently available even after the season has ended.

It’s not a question of “old stuff should remain available” or not, it’s that old stuff already is/is not available, haphazardly. Because Blizzard is all over the place on this issue.


I mean, there’s also the issue of the ‘wasted time’ grind effect that they cause, I’ve got just shy of 2k kills over all on Galleon and no saddle drop from him yet, and the only reason I even want it is for a ‘savage pandaren’ character/rp concept I came up with.

I was mogging on my monk today and realized I had the weapons from the movie promotional event. They are really nice and unique looking pieces.

Kind of sad I don’t see them used more often, but probably because not many people got them. Promotional things like these should at least pop up on the BMAH.


I don’t even remember what this was. :thinking: