< Unnecessarily Difficult > | Semi-Hardcore “Dad guild” with a focus on progression and challenging content
Our primary focus is to have fun, this is a game after all, with a focus on progression. Our leadership consists of a GM/RL and officers who have been playing in and/or leading teams since 2004 in various casual and higher end guilds (Heroic/Mythic). Our GM also has a history of hosting community events throughout every expansion.
Kindness, level headed, ability to accept feedback/constructive criticism, Inclusiveness. Reliability/dependability and ability to follow direction.
Have fun, continued growth as a guild, raid progression and develop friendships along the way. Going forward with WOTLK Classic we plan to focus on achievements and hard modes to continually challenge ourselves. We aim to further build our community by bringing in players from different lifestyles and experience levels and to provide a home with an engaging atmosphere.
In order to maintain a solid raid team we strive to maintain a roster of at least 30 player at all times. In doing so we hope to ensure the roster boss doesn’t keep us down.
Raid Times:
25m Team 1
Sunday / Monday 9pm Server to 12am Server
25m Team 2
Wednesday/ Friday 8pm Server to 12am Server
Raid Progress
15/15 Naxx 25 Grp 1 Immortal
1/1 OS 3 D 10/25
1/1 EoE 25
– Be on time, raid invites go out 30 min early.
– Have full consumes, gems and enchants.
– Willingness to adapt to raid team’s needs. We value players who willingly play multiple roles for the betterment of the guild/ raid team.
– Solid understanding of your class and raid mechanics. In order to meet our goals we require players to perform to the best of their class’s ability.
– Patience is key for progression and players who can keep their cool under stressful situations are highly regarded.
– Addons: DBM, Weakauras, RCLootCouncil.
Guild Bank
The guild bank attempts to provide raiders with materials for enchants, gems and consumes at reduced or no cost. Donations are greatly appreciated but not expected.
Loot System:
Loot council utilizing RCLootCouncil addon and the “That’s my bis” site. We distribute loot on the following criteria; mechanical aptitude, consistent use of correct consumables, complete utilization of enchants/gems, attendance/ tardiness and how much of a benefit to the raid it is.
Trial Period
Our trial period is a minimum of 2 weeks from the day you begin raiding with us. During this time, trials will be given last priority on receiving gear that drops. Please note, we will NOT shard gear over giving it to trials.
WOTLK Recruitment Needs
Team 1
SV or MM Hunter - HIGH
R Druid - HIGH
Frost DK - MED
Aff/Demo Warlock - MED
S Priest - LOW
Mage - LOW
Team 2
Open to everything
Y so srs Lawl#0538 (Discord) or Stabbum#7605 (Discord). Or anyone in game!