<Unnecessarily Difficult> 12/14 LFM Sun/Mon

Sun/Mon 9pm Server - 12am Server

We’re looking to clear all the raid content efficiently while having the most fun. Our GM/RL comes from having cleared all the content on retail on a mix of Heroic and Mythic difficulties. Our goal with TBC Classic is to clear the raids at our own pace while developing new friendships and cultivating a strong raid team. All raid spots are core spots. However, we will be utilizing a bench to adapt to real life events that may come up. Players will be rotated according to performance and need for raid buffs or desired loot.

Raid Times:
Sunday / Monday 9pm Server to 12am Server

Raid Progress
14/14 Tier 4
6/6 SSC
4/4 TK
12/14 T6

– Be on time, raid invites go out 30 min early.
– Have full consumes.
– Willingness to adapt.
– Understanding of your class and raid mechanics. We’re not looking for theory crafters but you should know what spells do what.
– Patience

Loot System:
Loot council utilizing RCLootCouncil and “That’s my bis” site. Additional details can be discussed during our conversation.

Recruitment Needs

Resto Druid – HIGH
Holy Pally - HIGH
Resto Shaman – LOW


Ret Pally - HIGH
S Priest - MED
Boomkin - MED (Heal OS as needed)
Aff Warlock - MED


Prot Paladin - Fire Res for Illidan

If you are interested in becoming a member of our team please reach out to YsosrsLawl#1721 (bnet)/ Y so srs Lawl#0538 (Discord). Or anyone in game!

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