Unlucky with BSS drops... BUT

This dropped for me last night. I upgraded it to 236, but wondering if anyone has tested this to see if it’s as effective as it seems!

Shard of Rokmora

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It’s a poor man’s shard of anhyld’s shield. Missing the reflected dmg, but it has the good part. I don’t think it’s better than shard, but it’s a good consolation prize if you just cant get one.

The one benefit? (Ymmv) is that this trinket seems to absorb damage all around, whereas shard only protects from the front.

So this trinket will literally cover your butt.

That, and it lasts much longer overall. 30s is nice coverage for an entire boss fight, but also has a longer cd.

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haha Glad to see I’ve got all the angles covered! So this is basically Anhyld’s shield at home, got it.

Thanks for the reply!

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