Unlocking Flying in Battle for Azeroth: Part 1

Pathfinder is ok and all but why is there an enormous time gate between part 1 and 2? We should already be flying by now…


Pathfinder by itself is incredibly stupid, but the ridiculous time gating just really rubs salt in the wound.


I dont have it yet. I unsubbed and will not play the game until they go back to BC-Mop core game play, to include flying at max level with no time gate. I am having a lot of fun flying in FF14. Which you get at max level and no time gating of it.


I dunno, it probably has something to do with having to wait nearly a year to finally get Part 2 added to the game.


That might introduce dangerous levels of fun to the game and we can’t have that.


Uh, it takes a fair bit of grinding to get 200,000 MGP.

Some people might not mind the MGP grind, but others might not enjoy the little mini-games. shrug I myself don’t think it’s too bad, but I could understand if some were put off by it. And it’s Limited-Time. Get it before May 27th or it’s gone.

You mean sit for months doing rep grinds you really don’t enjoy, to get access to a convenience… that you already paid for, and should have access to from the get go. Sorry Blizz, but locking flight away every expansion is getting old, it wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t have 2 rep grinds required that you get almost NO dailies for, and even when you do its like 100-300 rep a day for it… barring the big 1500 rep daily.

I hate the idea that i can’t fly because of some arbitrary barrier… just let us pay for the damn thing if we want, and give a special mount to those who complete pathfinder or something. I for one and sick and tired of all these time gates and it really does kill the enjoyment of the game…

Invest the time you put into pathfinder into doing something productive like… navel combat or, player housing.

NOBODY likes pathfinder… stop torturing your playerbase with it…

As a vanilla Player… this crap is for the birds.


Since you can actually get PF1 in 2 weeks and then unsub, it’s obvious that none of this actually applies to Pathfinder.

Play the game, get PF1 for free. It’s like airline miles on your credit card.

rerally? doing the challenge log each week gives you around 60k

second doing the chocobo racing, fashion show and minion battle gives you from 10 to 40k

each 20 min there is a gate that gives you from 3k to 7.5k

it took me days to get the mount the card and the hair style.

so I dont see how 200k is hard

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Due to Pathfinder ( and mandatory participation in dungeons/raid for profession recipes) I have not/will not purchase new expansions.
/wipes tears from eyes


They need to back off on the time gates with flying. I really think next expansino they should try just having pathfinder part 1 give you flight and then have part 2 if they are so inclined that unlocks it for whatever new content they add. I could see maybe waiting a patch to give flight to non max level alts.


Ya notice no one except maybe spiteful devs think pathfinder is good

no one says they like waiting months not weeks™

at this point it will be nearly a year before I can fly Assuming a june 8.2 then grinding two reps to revered is all I have to do.

When everyone is telling you something needs to change, or says they don’t care, you can rest assured that subs only have a downward direction to move.

Flying was never a problem until bliz chose to make it one, and bliz could just make it

in current expansion get a toon to max level, do a 5 minute pathfinder quest, boom pathfinder retroactive account wide everywhere to level 60.

Bliz could just remove this whole problem anytime they want to have happy customers.

So why outside hubris and vindictiveness not remove the problem?

Do they ever ask themselves if more subs is desirable. do they ever ask them selves what makes people stay subbed and want to play.

I’ll drop a hint not flying is not helping subs or time in game played.


If you did this in any sort of intelligent way, you’d make Part 1 allow flying currently.

And if you wanted more grind to satisfy your stupid metrics, you’d make part 2 unlock flying for the new crap. But no, you hold off on it to stroke your dumb ideas into the game more and more, rubbing the salt on the wound until you’re left with a dead game because your ego’s are too inflated.

Yeah, I’m sick of it - if you can’t tell.


This is exactly what they want.


Yeah, exactly. However, what they’ll get is a dead game.


With some of the decisions coming from this development team, I’m starting to wonder if that what they are shooting for.


I couldn’t tell you, the amount of controversy changes they continue to make to the game to satisfy some weird metric of theirs is insane.

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it took me and my gf 2 days, playing for a total of 8 hours to get 200k mgp, and we only did mini-games when there was nothing else to do, and out of the 8 hours, maybe 1 of those hours was spent on the minigames.

EDIT: To add, she had very little mgp, I was on a character that hadn’t done gold saucer yet so I had 0 MGP, and neither of us ever really did Gold Saucer stuff before the event, so we were learning how the place works as we went.


I really don’t see it as a huge deal…play the game and you get it. Saves me a crap ton of gold considering I have tons of alts I actively play.

Every thing in Vanilla was a huge grind…