So…how about we do this…If I run an old raid for transmog; why can’t i Unlock the appearance for my account on ANY of the pieces that drop instead of having to run every class through something? I think that would be extremely efficient.
I couldn’t agree with this sentiment more.
I’m all for Bliz keeping certain restrictions to Transmog; such as weapons, armor, class armor, etc. Those are all fine and make sense.
But given how they’ve created transmog pieces that are bind to account, it should not be difficult at all to do the same.
Look, its unfun running a Warrior through Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar to get the shoulders from Garrosh, only to have them not drop, but when you’re on a class that can’t equip them, oh look it drops. That’s such a s****y feeling that everyone can attest to, and NO ONE likes this.
You should be able to unlock any appearance on items regardless of the character you’re on, however in order to USE them, you still have to be the appropriate class (i.e. Priest can unlock the shoulders, but a plate wearer can only xmog those shoulders). I think that’s more than fair, and not a single player would disagree with this change if implemented.
Boy have I got good news for you guys.
First glance this gives “woohoo” vibes.
Then you start wondering just how far is this going to go. Like, when does it begin? A: probably whenever patch 11 goes live.
Can I do anything about it now? A: how much free bag space you got?
Will it be retroactive? A: It definitely won’t count stuff you already looted and vendored. It probably will count ‘wrong’ stuff you’ve banked between now and patch 11. Probably.
Maybe consider farming currencies. For example anima, how much anima would you need if you log in first day of patch 11 and choose to visit your covenant and buy all the other 3 armour’s type stuff? What if you have four alts each exalted with a different covenant? That’s probably a lot of anima, total. Will your anima become account wide too? Will your max-renowned become account wide, letting you visit each covenant on your main?
And then there’s thoughts about crafting, specifically that Naxx tier 3 stuff.
And how will those boss tokens work, the ones with ‘use: make an item for x/y/z class’. Will become clickable? Random result? Or stay unclickable?
Will wait and see to decide how loud it is worthy of before letting that “woohoo” escape.
I would think that all they’re doing (and you’re right, it probably won’t be retroactive, unless some sort of miraculous alignment of the stars happens between now and then) is add the tag that says “right-click to learn this appearance” like most of the cosmetic-only awards have been since SL. They would just add this tag to all items. I’m wondering though, if you still have to send them to a class who CAN learn them. Even now, in the Emerald Dream zone, I’ve been getting a lot of cosmetic only drops but I still have to send them to the classes who can learn them.
This is the big issue for me. I feel like i’d just be wasting my time transmog farming now(more than before), knowing a solution is coming. Do I just not play till the new expansion? Transmog/mount farming is a lot of what I do.
I was hoping to get an answer for this in the Q&A but it seems not.
I agree about waiting on transmog farming. Between now and then, my strat is just going to be doing some leveling to figure out who my “transmog main(s)” is(are) going to be. Even with the wait, this is excellent news for transmog farming.
and this is why i’d just prefer to see “right-click to learn this appearance; only characters that can equip this armor type will be able to use them…” as a text-line. Then I can just farm old content on one character and not have to have a max level of every armor type.
They covered that at Blizzcon. It is coming in the near future. Maybe the season 4 or half way season 3, other than that I couldn’t agree more! Its coming!
Change all loot from expansion >= 2 older than the current (For example, in Dragonflight that would mean Battle for Azeroth or older) BIND TO ACCOUNT.
Having to run raids a million times and every time you play on one class you get loot for all your other classes, is insanely frustrating and not fun.