Unlock Race/Class restrictions

Night elf pallies? Please and TY.


Undead Druids /shudder

surrender the draenei druids, blizzard

It’s already happening. It’s just a matter of time.

Tyr is more related this expansion, would make sense for the best time. :closed_book: :robot:

I assume the trouble will be the mounts. :carousel_horse::robot:

Easier to skin change when you dont have any

You can have nelf pallies if I can also have void elf pallies well call it a deal.


Might need some research though do Ethereals use the light?

edit: I have found they can. Best to see one of those become a teacher. :memo::robot:

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I’ve already been farming my mog set for my Void elf pally as well as playing around with the customisations I want her to have in the wowhead dressing room.

I really can’t wait for this, pally is my second most fav class and BEs and VEs my fav race

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People who say void and light cant mixt tend to forget that twilight school spell exist

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that would be cool

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Not sure how that justifies the heavy light themed class. :robot::grey_question:

Ethereals are already teaching the Void elves, makes sense for a bright Ethereal to appear (not in the Void elf zone) teaching them how to flow light from their void corrupted body-- they are researchers after all. :robot::rightwards_hand: :mortar_board:

Hopefully, i’m assuming the Ethereals are close to the Void elf theme? :robot::question:

If ethereal who are void can use light without exploding so is other races and class. thats all im saying

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My #1 request in wow. Make it happen blizz, I am waiting.

Same I got my LF that I love rdy to switch NE in a heart beat. But I also want Tuskar Shaman playable XD

Sometimes the light explodes normal people, don’t wanna end up like Zendarin Windrunner.