Unlock other races for demon hunter

A troll demon hunter just feels right. Give trolls beards as well.


Blood elves are basically trolls like just a few generations apart.


And void elves are basically blood elves just 1 went shopping at Spencers

Expand DHs to velfs!


It truly is never enough.

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Dream big as they say.

Tha Lore would be DeSTroided! What? Dew you acktually expect Blizz to retcon everthin by saying Illidan had a secret backup of Illadari of other races? Or, gasp, the existin Illidari taught others?



hugs Nalin

My care o meter about lore isn’t even on the scale.

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Would love to see the chain reaction explosion of a velf trying to be a dh

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Toss undead in there too just for the shock factor.

I’d love a Draenei Demon Hunter and get some of those Eredar models for their Metamorphosis demon forms.


In my headcanon, now that the Burning Legion has been stomped down, Kayn Sunfury has nothing to do but blaze that felweed and annoy Altruis the Sufferer with suggestions for new recruits, mostly based on how funny he thinks they’d look.

Eventually, Altruis will reach the end of his endurance, throw his hands up, and shriek, ”FINE! LET THEM ALL IN! I DON’T CARE ANYMORE!”


Only if Taurens Get an extra pair of Horns, HM Taurens get fel infused Antlers like the Feltotem Tribes, Mechagnomes’ horns are just antannaes, and also if Earthen’s DH Horns are made of Gemstones.

clears throat

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:


Orc and Draenei demon hunters first

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All we need Illidan to return.

He can train new races.
He can teach us a 3rd spec.

He WILL return.

I like to think that a blood elf had a grandpa that was a night elf, and a great grandpa that was a dark troll.

Void and fel doesn’t mix see Xhul’horac from hellfire citadel.

His last phase shows how unstable he becomes

My rebuttal.

No. He can keep sucking on Sargeras’ toes for all eternity and never show his face in the lore again.

Considering we’re heading towards “the last titan”

Illidans return is inevitable.
Sargeras too.